Ms Dhanya R P

Assistant Professor


Designation: - Assistant Professor

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

Area of Interest: - Autonomous Mobile Robots, Underwater Robots, Python, LabVIEW, Machine Learning

Education Qualifications

Sl.No Qualification Level University Area of Specialization Year of Compeltion Awards
1 PG Kannur Control & Instrumentation 2015
2 UG Cochin Electronics & Instrumentation 2009

Responsibilities At SJEC


Work Experience


Designation: - Assistant Professor

Start Date: - 04 Sep 2024


Designation: - Assistant Professor

Organization: - Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala

Start Date: - 18 Jul 2016

End Date: - 03 Sep 2024


Research Areas

  1. Underwater Robotics
  2. Autonomous Mobile Robots
  3. Swarm Communication

Journal Publications

  1. ISJSET; Volume 17; Issue 6; July 2014; " Swing Angle Model for Gantry Crane".
  2. IJETCSE; Volume 8; Issue 1;April 2014; "A Survey on Fingerprint Security and its Application on Cell Phone".

Conference Proceedings

1. AIP Conference Proceedings 2670, 030005 (2022);; "A Review Paper on Autonomous Mobile Robots".

Awards and Recognitions

  1. Best Project Award for Guiding "Surveillance Swarm Drone".
  2. Presented and received a best paper presentation award for a paper titled " Underwater Surveillance Drone", in National Conference (NACTAE 2018) held at SNGCET, Payyanur, Kannur District, Kerala.

Workshop/FDPs Attended


IEEE Authorship and Open Access Symposium

IEEE Xplore Events Team

National Level Training Programme

LabVIEW Real-Time Applications

MVGR College of Engg, Vizianagaram

Mentorship Program

Fundamental of ROS, CAD Designing and Post Processing in Autodesk Fusion 360, Gazebo Simulated Environment Creation and Implementing SLAM

RigBetel Labs LLP, Pune





Online Faculty Development Programme

Communication Skills for Research Paper Writing and Professional Practices

GMR Institute of Technology, Andra Pradesh

National Workshop

Research Methodology & LATEX

NIT, Puducherry.

Online Short-Term Course

Python for Machine Learning

NIT, Warangal.

Online FDP

Internet of Things

LBS College of Engg, Kasaragod.

Online FDP

3D Printing & Design

IIIT, Kancheepuram.

Online FDP

Control Systems & Sensors Technology

College of Engg, Pune.

Webinar Series

Matlab Master Class 2020

IETE Mumbai and Pantech Prolabs India PvtLtd.

Faculty Development Program

Designing Pedagogies for Online Teaching & Learning

NIT, Kurukshetra & Engg. College Bikaner.

Online Training


Prakasam Engg. College, Kandukur & IIT-Bombay.

Online Training

Python 3

Prakasam Engg. College, Kandukur & IIT-Bombay.

Faculty Development Program

Electronic Design Tools

Govt. College of

Engineering, Kannur,


Faculty Development Program

LabVIEW Simulation

Adi Shankara Engineering College, Kalady, Kerala.

National Seminar

Laser Technology & Applications

Sarabhai Institute of Science and Technology, Trivandrum, Kerala.

Certificate Course

Instrumentation Maintenance

Fertilizers and Chemicals Travancore Limited (FACT), Cochin, Kerala.

Certificate Course


Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited (RCF), Mumbai.

Faculty Development Program

Solar PV System

PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore.


Conferences attended

  1. Participated in Disha Darshan Career Expo WINGS’23 at Kannur for community outreach and displayed technical projects by INA Cadets on June 10th and 11th 2023.
  2. Participated in Pinarayi Peruma Exhibition at Thalassery, Kannur. Ship/Submarine Models & advanced research in Robotics, 3D printing, AI/ML projects by INA B.Tech trainees showcased from 09-14 Apr 2023.
  3. Presented a paper titled “A Review Paper on Motion Planning Robots”, ICRAINS 2021 held at KITS, Coimbatore.
  4. Presented and received best paper award for a paper titled “Underwater Surveillance Drone”, National Conference (NACTAE 2018) held at SNGCET, Payyanur.
  5. Presented a paper titled “Control of Overhead Crane using AFSM Controller”, International Conference on Advanced Trends in Engineering & Technology FORSCHUNG, organised by Vimal Jyothi Engg College, Kannur, 28th March 2014.

Contact Information

Ms Dhanya R P

Assistant Professor