

While young graduates prepare for a rewarding and successful career at the industry, they need to comprehend on the expectations of the workplace. With the world rapidly embracing digital technologies and graduates having access to the best of the advancements, the need for them to be equipped with the right skills: technical and soft skills, has never ever been as predominant as it is today.

Forbes lists tech savviness, adaptability & flexibility, Innovation, Data literacy, Critical thinking, Coding Skills, Leadership, Emotional Intelligence and commitment among the factors that adds edge and makes a fresh graduate desirable for any organization. The Training & Placement Cell strives to orient students towards the industry expectations, seize opportunities and leap with confidence.

Campus to Corporate Program

Shaping future ready engineers

With changing workplace dynamics and transformations at a faster pace, the need to thrive to match to the trends cannot be undermined. Young graduates have to be equipped with skills that make them relevant in the business world. It would open an alleyway of opportunities to shape their career. Adapting quickly, acquiring the skill sets and reinventing themselves would indeed be a game changer, making them employable and a clan ready for the future. The Training & Placement Cell at SJEC works towards imbibing graduates who are a right mixture of Knowledge, Skill and Attitude through the Campus to Corporate Program.

To know more about the campus to Corporate Program, Click here

Training Initiatives

SJEC trains students to develop problem solving skills, inculcate business etiquettes, provides career counseling, aptitude and company specific training in addition to honing the technical poweress to shape successful careers.

Date Event Resource Person/ Organization Target Audience
18 to 20 October 2023 Training Sesion Training Coordinator & The Sceptix Club along Institute Committes BE 1sem Students
2 and 3 November 2023 Train the Trainers Insight job guru IOT facilitators
16 to 25 January 2024 Aptitude Training J V Global BE 3rd and 5th Sem Students
19 to 21 Febrauary 2024 HackToFuture TPC and EGDK  
11 to 15 March 2024 Aptitude Training Insight job guru MBA and MCA 1st Sem Students
Odd Semester (2023-24) IOT- Problem Solving Skills/ Aptitude Skills (Non-Credit mandate course) IOT Facilitators I Year BE Students
Odd Semester (2023-24) IOT- Computing Skills/ Business Etiquettes (Non-Credit mandate course) IOT Facilitators II Year BE Students
Date Event Resource Person/ Organization Target Audience
21 November to 1 December 2022 Aptitude Training J V Global BE (5th Sem)
13 June 2022 to 21 June 2022 MuleSoft ILT Program MuleSoft BE 6th Sem
24 and 25 August 2022 UniCourt Workshop Series Mangalore Infotech BE 3rd to 7th Sem and 3rd Sem MCA
1 to 10 September 2022 Salesforce Certification MuleSoft BE 6th Sem
44847 UniCourt Workshop Series Mangalore Infotech BE 3rd to 7th Sem and 3rd Sem MCA
44853 UniCourt Workshop Series Mangalore Infotech BE 3rd to 7th Sem and 3rd Sem MCA
44896 UniCourt Workshop Series Mangalore Infotech BE 3rd to 7th Sem and 3rd Sem MCA
44873 Hackathon Almasons BE Students
44901 UniCourt Workshop Series Mangalore Infotech BE 3rd to 7th Sem and 3rd Sem MCA
13 to 24 February 2023 Aptitude Training J V Global BE, MBA and MCA (3rd Sem)
17 December 22 to 18 January 2023 30 days of Coding Training and Placement BE Students
44951 SJEC Premier Hackathon Training and Placement BE and MCA
44977 Talk on Let's Game Mr Ankur Bhasin CSE 3rd Sem and MCA 1st sem Students
45005 UniCourt Workshop Series Mangalore Infotech BE 6th Sem Students
45015 UniCourt Workshop Series Mangalore Infotech BE 6th Sem Students
03,05 & 10 to 13 April 2023 Aptitude Training Job Insight Guru(Ranjit Keshav) MBA 1st Sem Students
45036 UniCourt Workshop Series Mangalore Infotech BE 6th Sem Students
25 and 26 April 2023 HackToFuture TPC and EGDK  
27 April to 03 May 2023 Aptitude Training J V Global MCA 1st Sem Students
45044 UniCourt Workshop Series Mangalore Infotech BE 6th Sem Students
22 May to 02 June 2023 Aptitude Training J V Global BE 6th Sem Students
17 to 20 July 2023 Aptitude Training Insight job guru J V Global MBA and MCA (2nd Sem)
Odd & Even Semester (2022-23) IOT- Problem Solving Skills/ Aptitude Skills (Non-Credit mandate course) IOT Facilitators I Year BE Students
Odd & Even Semester (2022-23) IOT- Computing Skills/ Business Etiquettes (Non-Credit mandate course) IOT Facilitators II Year BE Students
Date Event Resource Person/ Organization Target Audience
16 to 19 August 2021 Aptitude Training J V Global 2nd Sem MBA and MCA
25 to 29 October 2021 Aptitude Training J V Global BE (5th Sem) and MCA (3rd and 5th Sem)
8 to 12 November 2021 Aptitude Training J V Global BE (3rd Sem)
4 to 8 April 2022 Aptitude Training J V Global BE (6th Sem)
11 to 15 July 2022 Aptitude Training J V Global BE (4th Sem)
18 to 22 July 2022 Aptitude Training J V Global 2nd Sem MBA and MCA

