“IoT Essentials: Arduino and Raspberry Pi Interfacing”

The Prodigi (Student Association of ECE) organized a Technical talk on “IoT Essentials: Arduino and Raspberry Pi Interfacing” for I Year Students on 27 December 2024 in Room No: 3204, Academic Block 3, SJEC,   from 02.00 PM to 03:30 PM.


The Resource person for the session Mr Vijay Ganesh , Asst professor, Dept of ECE gave insights into the fundamentals of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, with a focus on interfacing techniques using popular development platforms—Arduino and Raspberry Pi.


The technical talk successfully enhanced the participants’ understanding of IoT fundamentals and development tools. It motivated students to pursue projects and research in IoT, aligning with industry demands. The talk equipped students with essential skills and knowledge to stay relevant in the rapidly evolving IoT industry.


The session concluded with a vote of thanks by Ms Harshada S Katge, Research Scholar, ECE Dept, SJEC.


The technical talk was coordinated by Ms Reshma K J and Ms K Aarya Shri, Assistant Professors in the Department of ECE.