Dr Shreenath Acharya

Professor & HOD


I am an academician with over 25 years of teaching experience having a blend of knowledge in computers, electrical and electronics fields. Actively involved in the activities of transforming engineering education through technology.

The prime motivation for me to pursue an academic career is to get an opportunity to teach, advise and motivate the students. With several years of experience as a teacher, mentor and guide I have gained a deep insight into the circumstances and the environment in which students effectively contribute and also how the teacher can be a facilitator to aid in their efficient learning.

My short-term goal is to effectively practice teaching learning in the educational environment. My long-term aspiration is to become an excellent educator and facilitator in a well reputed, quality research-oriented institution/university by fostering the learners to be critical thinkers. In the current context, research activities play an important role in the development of an educator since it has a direct impact on quality of teaching learning and also towards betterment of the society. My research interests include diverse fields like cloud computing, data science/big data analytics, AI & ML based predictions and network security related aspects. I believe that the ultimate goal of a research is to discover new ideas that would help solve issues in the society. I would like to nurture and guide students towards their research work so that together we could venture and collaborate for quality work thereby enhancing our knowledge and skills.

Education Qualifications

Sl.No Qualification Level University Area of Specialization Year of Compeltion Awards
1 PhD VTU Cloud Computing 2021
2 MTech VTU Computer Science & Engineering 2008
3 B.E. Mysore Electrical & Electronics 1995

Responsibilities At SJEC

Head of the Department - Intelligent Computing & Business Systems (AIML/CSBS/CSE(Data Science))

Head of the Department - Information science & Engineering from March 2009 to 31st December 2012

AICTE 360 degree feedback - Institute Level Coordinator

Faculty Coordinator - Students club (Institute level)

Autonomy Coordinator - CSE Department

NBA Coordinator - CSE Department

NBA Committee In charge for Criteria IV (Students Details)

NAAC Criteria Head - Students information

IQAC Member - SJEC

E-Attestation officer - CSE Department

Curriculum Gap Analysis Committee Chair - CSE Department

Convener for International Conference on smart Computing, Communication & Control (ICSC3 2018)  

Chief Convener for the organized fests from the ISE department Twice

Chief Editor for two volumes of  the ISE  Departmental Magazine

Convener for Graduation Day

Anti-ragging Committee Chief Coordinator (Institute Level)

NBA Criteria –IV departmental coordinator

Is/Has been a member of the following departmental/college level committees:

Anti-ragging, Discipline committee, Internal question paper review committee, Grievance redressal committee, Academic Advisory committee, Student amenities committee, EDC, Innovation club, Library Advisory committee, Sports advisory committee, Placement coordinator

Work Experience


Institution: St Joseph Engineering College, Mangaluru

Designation: Professor/Assoc. Professor/Asst Professor

Institution: S N M Polytechnic, Moodbidri

Designation: Lecturer

Company: Bangalore IT Solutions, Bangalore

Designation: Software Engineer

4. Period: 1 year

Institution: MICE, Karkala

Designation: Computer Faculty

Company: Mayya Systems, Bangalore

Designation: Production/Service Engineer

Research Areas

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Deep Learning

Cloud Computing

Data Analytics

Cloud/Network Security

Journal Publications

1. “Broker-based mechanism for cloud provider selection”, International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, Inderscience Publishers (IEL), Volume 22, Issue 1, Pages 50-61, 2020 (Scopus indexed)

2.  “Communication-Aware Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud”, Advances in Electrical and Computer Technologies, Pages 1031-1042, Springer, Singapore, 2020 (Scopus indexed)

3.  “Enhanced Learning and Improved Productivity of Students' using Project Based Learning Approaches for Programming Courses” Journal of Engineering Education Transformations (JEET), Volume: 34, Issue: Special Issue, Pages: 524-530, 2020, DOI: 10.16920/jeet/2021/v34i0/157205 (Scopus Indexed

4.   “Energy and Cost Efficient Dynamic Load Balancing Mechanism for Resource Provisioning in Cloud“, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Research India Publications, Vol. 12, Number 24, pp. 15782- 15790, 2017 (Scopus indexed)

5.     “Application Aware Energy and Cost Efficient Resource Provisioning in Cloud”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, Science Publishing Corporation (SPC), Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 3530- 3537, 2018 (Scopus indexed)

6.   “Energy Saving VM Placement in Cloud”, International journal of Modern Education & Computer Science (IJMECS), MECS Publishers, Vol.10, No. 12, pp. 28-35, 2018 (IET Inspec indexed)

7.   “Discovery of Students' Academic Patterns using Data Mining Techniques”, International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), Volume 4, Issue 6, Pages 1054-1062, Engg. Journals Publications, 2012

8.   “Implementing Digital Signature based Secured Card System for Online Transactions”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), Volume 65: Number 24, pp. 27-32, 2013, DOI: 10.5120/11234-6521. Published by Foundations of Computer Science US,Impact factor (2012): 0.833. ISBN: 973-93-80873-84-0

9.    “Smart Mailing System for Secure Transmissions”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), Volume 96 : Number 22, pp. 28-33, June 2014, DOI: 10.5120/16928- 7033. Published by Foundations of Computer Science USA, Impact factor (2013): 0.784 ISBN: 973-93-80882-42-4

10.    “Fatigue Detection Alarm System”, Available as Book Series in Search Digital Library from IDES (Institute of Doctors, Engineers & Scientists) publishers in Vol. 4 with title Advanced Research in Engineering & technology (AET), pp:98-105 ISSN: 2214-0344

11.   “Implementing Digital Signature based Secured Card System for Online Transactions”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), Volume 65: Number 24, pp. 27-32, 2013, DOI: 10.5120/11234-6521. Published by Foundations of Computer Science USA, Impact factor (2012): 0.833. ISBN: 973-93-80873-84-0

12.    “Smart Mailing System for Secure Transmissions”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), Volume 96 : Number 22, pp. 28-33, June 2014, DOI: 10.5120/16928- 7033. Published by Foundations of Computer Science USA, Impact factor (2013): 0.784 ISBN: 973-93-80882-42-4

13.    "Dynamic Malware Analysis and Detection in Virtual Environment", International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science(IJMECS), Vol.9, No.3, pp.48-55, 2017.DOI: 10.5815/ijmecs.2017.03.06 (IET Inspec indexed)

14.    “Secure Cloud Data Sharing by Aggregation of Keys into a Single Decryption Key”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology  (IJRET),Volume:  05 Issue:   07,pp.   39-43,   ISSN:   2319-1163, DOI: 10.15623/ijret.2016.0507008, July 2016( ISO 9001-2208 Certified Organization)

15.       “A Review of Secure Cloud Data Sharing Methods”, International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET), Vol. No 2, Special Issue 5, ISSN: 2394-3785, ISO 3297:2007, May2015

16.  “VM Provisioning through Autonomic Broker”, International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science & Engineering (IJERCSE) from IFERP publications (Institute of Engineering Research & Publications Explorer), Vol. 1, Issue. 1, pp: 33-36, ISSN 2394-2320, DOI: IJERCSE-IFERP-DOI-107,Nov. 2014 


Conference Proceedings

1.    "Enhancing Communication through Speech to Sign Language Converter," 2023 IEEE North Karnataka Subsection Flagship International Conference                     (NKCon),  Belagavi, India, 2023, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/NKCon59507.2023.10396131 (IEEE Explorer)

2.    "Enhanced Vehicle Plate Identification using YOLO," 2022 International Conference on Automation, Computing and Renewable Systems (ICACRS),                         Pudukkottai, India, 2022, pp. 148-152, doi: 10.1109/ICACRS55517.2022.1002922 (IEEE Explorer)

3.    "Enhanced Performance and Data Security using Elliptic Curve Cryptography in Cloud Environment," 2021 International Conference on Computational                     Performance Evaluation (ComPE), Shillong, India, 2021, pp. 869-873, doi: 10.1109/ComPE53109.2021.9751865.(Scopus Indexed)

   4.   “Hybrid Algorithm for Naive Bayes based Credit Card Fraud Detection”, International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Data Science Applications           (MIDAS 2020), September 2020, Springer (Best Paper Award) (Scopusindexed)

5.   “Cloud Computing Architectures and Dynamic Resource Provisioning Mechanisms”, IEEE International Conference on Green Computing, Communication             and  Conservation Energy, ICGCE 2013, pp. 800-806, ISBN: 978-1-4673-6126-2 (IEEE Explorer Scopus indexed)


   6.  “A Taxonomy of Live Virtual Machine (VM) Migration Mechanisms in Cloud Computing Environment”, IEEE International Conference on Green Computing,                Communication and Conservation Energy, ICGCE 2013, pp. 811-817, ISBN: 978-1-4673- 6126-2 (IEEE Explorer – Scopus indexed)

7.   “Enhanced Dynamic Load Balancing Algorithm for Resource Provisioning in Cloud”, IEEE International Conference on Inventive Computation            Technologies, ICICT 2016, ISBN: 978-1-5090-1285-5 (IEEE Explorer –Scopus indexed)

8.    “Analysis & Prediction of Application Usage in Android Phones”, IEEE International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics, Information,                                Communication and Bio- Informatics (AEEICB16), ISBN: 978-1-4673-9745-2, DOI: 10.1109/AEEICB.2016.7538346,Feb. 2016 (IEEE Explorer                          Scopus indexed)

9.    “Multikeyword based sorted querying over encrypted cloud data”, IEEE Intenational Conference on Futuristic Trends in Computational Analysis and Knowledge        Management (INBUSH-ERA   2015),   pp:   23   -27,   ISBN:   978-1-   4799-8432-9,   DOI:10.1109/ABLAZE.2015.7154961, Noida, 2015 (IEEE       Explorer Scopus indexed)

 10.   “A Comparative Study on Homomorphic Encryption Schemes in Cloud Computing”,3rd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in                                      Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT), ISBN:978-1-5386-2441- 8, DOI: 10.1109/RTEICT42901.2018.9012261, 2018 (IEEE                      Explorer)

 11.  “Comparative Study on Credit Card Fraud Detection Mechanism”, 4th IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends on Electronics, Information, 

       Communication & Technology (RTEICT 2019), 978-1-7281-0630-4, 2019

 12.   “Fatigue Detection Alarm System”, Proceedings of ACEEE International Conference on Multimedia Processing, Communications and Information Technology             (MPCIT) held at JNNCE, Shimoga, Dec 2013

 13.  “A Review of Secure Cloud Data Sharing Methods”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computer & Communication Engineering          (ACCE - 2015), pp: 96- 99, Bangalore, May 2015

 14.  “A Survey paper on Meta Element Restriction on Encrypted Data in Cloud Computing ”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances  in                  Computer & Communication Engineering (ACCE - 2015), pp: 35-38, Bangalore, May 2015

   15.     “VM Provisioning through Autonomic Broker”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology (ICET –  14),                     organized by Technoarete, ISBN: 978-8-1929-5803-3,10th Aug 2014, Hyderabad

Research Grants

VTU Grant for student Projects 

KSCST grant for Student Project 

Awards and Recognitions

BOS – Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) CSE/ISE Board

BOS - St. John College of Engineering and Management (SJCEM), Maharashtra

BOE/BOS chair ICBS Department, SJEC

Doctoral Committee Member, Nitte University

Member Academic Council  - SJEC

NPTEL Discipline Star

Evaluator for IIEECP Program  - Harnessing Power of Technology, Effective Assessment modules

Reviewer for  Scopus/WoS Indexed Journals/Conferences: Cogent Engineering (Taylor & Francis),Cybernetics & Systems, Inderscience Journal

of Computational Vision & Robotics, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, IEEE Access, Journal of Engineering Education & Transformations,

China Communications etc...

Delivered sessions/talks on Domain Naming Service, Cloud computing, Frame Relay & Asynchronous Transfer Mode, IOT, Cyber Security,

Turnitin tool for Plagiarism check, Importance of Ethical writing/Plagiarism check  etc...

BOE CSE Dept, NMAMIT Nitte, 

BOE  St Agnes PG Program - M.Sc Big Data Analytics, Mangaluru

Doctoral Committee Member, Srinivas University, Mangaluru

BOE CSE Dept, NMAMIT Nitte, St Agnes PG Program - M.Sc Big Data Analytics

Topper in the subject Programming in Java (top 1%)

Best Paper Award in Springer International Conference

IUCEE Certified Educator

Session Chair  -  Conference on Smart Computing Communication and Control

Infosys Bronze medal partner

Certificate of recognition from Infosys Campus Connect

        Judge for Technical Competitions (UG/PG): Coding, Web design, Singing, Debate, Mini Project, Product Design/Launch etc...

        Paper Presentations: More than 15

        Project Exhibition/Competitions: More than 15


Membership in professional Bodies

Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)- Life Member

International Association of Engineers (IAENG)

Workshop/FDPs Attended

Attended more than 45 Workshops and Seminars in the areas of Computer Networks, C# Programming, Network security, Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, Artificial intelligence, Swarm Optimization, Blockchain technology, Data Science/Data Analytics, Deep learning, Cyber Security etc...

Conferences attended

1.    "Enhancing Communication through Speech to Sign Language Converter," 2023 IEEE North Karnataka Subsection Flagship International Conference                     (NKCon),  Belagavi, India, 2023, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/NKCon59507.2023.10396131 (IEEE Explorer)

2.    "Enhanced Vehicle Plate Identification using YOLO," 2022 International Conference on Automation, Computing and Renewable Systems (ICACRS),                         Pudukkottai, India, 2022, pp. 148-152, doi: 10.1109/ICACRS55517.2022.1002922 (IEEE Explorer)

3.    "Enhanced Performance and Data Security using Elliptic Curve Cryptography in Cloud Environment," 2021 International Conference on Computational                     Performance Evaluation (ComPE), Shillong, India, 2021, pp. 869-873, doi: 10.1109/ComPE53109.2021.9751865.(Scopus Indexed)

   4.   “Hybrid Algorithm for Naive Bayes based Credit Card Fraud Detection”, International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Data Science Applications           (MIDAS 2020), September 2020, Springer (Best Paper Award) (Scopusindexed)

5.   “Cloud Computing Architectures and Dynamic Resource Provisioning Mechanisms”, IEEE International Conference on Green Computing, Communication             and  Conservation Energy, ICGCE 2013, pp. 800-806, ISBN: 978-1-4673-6126-2 (IEEE Explorer Scopus indexed)


   6.  “A Taxonomy of Live Virtual Machine (VM) Migration Mechanisms in Cloud Computing Environment”, IEEE International Conference on Green Computing,                Communication and Conservation Energy, ICGCE 2013, pp. 811-817, ISBN: 978-1-4673- 6126-2 (IEEE Explorer – Scopus indexed)

7.   “Enhanced Dynamic Load Balancing Algorithm for Resource Provisioning in Cloud”, IEEE International Conference on Inventive Computation            Technologies, ICICT 2016, ISBN: 978-1-5090-1285-5 (IEEE Explorer –Scopus indexed)

8.    “Analysis & Prediction of Application Usage in Android Phones”, IEEE International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics, Information,                                Communication and Bio- Informatics (AEEICB16), ISBN: 978-1-4673-9745-2, DOI: 10.1109/AEEICB.2016.7538346,Feb. 2016 (IEEE Explorer                          Scopus indexed)

9.    “Multikeyword based sorted querying over encrypted cloud data”, IEEE Intenational Conference on Futuristic Trends in Computational Analysis and Knowledge        Management (INBUSH-ERA   2015),   pp:   23   -27,   ISBN:   978-1-   4799-8432-9,   DOI:10.1109/ABLAZE.2015.7154961, Noida, 2015 (IEEE       Explorer Scopus indexed)

 10.   “A Comparative Study on Homomorphic Encryption Schemes in Cloud Computing”,3rd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in                                      Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT), ISBN:978-1-5386-2441- 8, DOI: 10.1109/RTEICT42901.2018.9012261, 2018 (IEEE                      Explorer)

 11.  “Comparative Study on Credit Card Fraud Detection Mechanism”, 4th IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends on Electronics, Information, 

       Communication & Technology (RTEICT 2019), 978-1-7281-0630-4, 2019

 12.   “Fatigue Detection Alarm System”, Proceedings of ACEEE International Conference on Multimedia Processing, Communications and Information Technology             (MPCIT) held at JNNCE, Shimoga, Dec 2013

 13.  “A Review of Secure Cloud Data Sharing Methods”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computer & Communication Engineering          (ACCE - 2015), pp: 96- 99, Bangalore, May 2015

 14.  “A Survey paper on Meta Element Restriction on Encrypted Data in Cloud Computing ”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances  in                  Computer & Communication Engineering (ACCE - 2015), pp: 35-38, Bangalore, May 2015

   15.     “VM Provisioning through Autonomic Broker”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology (ICET –  14),                     organized by Technoarete, ISBN: 978-8-1929-5803-3,10th Aug 2014, Hyderabad

Contact Information

Dr Shreenath Acharya

Professor & HOD

B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D

