Mr Harshith

Lab Instructor


As a Lab Instructor, my role involves guiding students through practical experiments and projects that align with the theoretical knowledge they acquire in their lectures.

Education Qualifications

Sl.No Qualification Level University Area of Specialization Year of Compeltion Awards
1 Diploma Board of Technical Education, Karnataka Mechanical Engineering 2010

Responsibilities At SJEC

College Level

Tech Guru at SJEC AICTE Idea Lab


Department Level

Computer Aided Machine Drawing Lab Incharge

Work Experience


Working as a Lab Instructor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering 

Start Date:  13/09/2010

Workshop/FDPs Attended


 Attended and successfully completed the AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Offline Elementary FDP on 'Advanced FDP on Idea Lab - Smart Manufacturing' at the College of Engineering, Pune.

⇒  Attended and successfully completed the FDP program on the Internet of Things, conducted by CISCO-RVCE CoE-IoT at SJEC, Mangaluru.

⇒  Successfully completed the NPTEL online certification course on Inspection and Quality Control in Manufacturing.

⇒  Attended and successfully completed the training program in Product Design Engineer (Mechanical).

⇒  Attended and successfully completed the Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning course training at KGTTI.




Contact Information

Mr Harshith

Lab Instructor

PUC, Diploma-ME