Mr Joel Antony DMello

Assistant Professor, Maintenance Supervisor


Working at St Joseph Engineering College (SJEC) as Assistant Professor since 2016, in the department of Mechanical Engineering. Personally interested in the field of Mechanical Machine Design and automotive engineering. Being committed towards academic growth, professional ethics, I believe on continuous efforts to be a effective teacher, that is lively and interactive so as to motivate students to accomplish their goals and excel in life. 


Education Qualifications

Sl.No Qualification Level University Area of Specialization Year of Compeltion Awards
1 M.Tech Visvesvaraya Technological University Mechanical Machine Design 2014
2 B.E Visvesvaraya Technological University Mechanical Engineering 2011
3 Diploma DTE- Karnataka Automobile Engineering 2004

Responsibilities At SJEC

College Level 

Coordinator - Academic Advisory Committee 

Autonomous examination- Squad team chairperson 

Admission Committe member 

Department Level 

EMS coordinator 

BOE co chairperson 

Autonomous Syllabus coordinator 

KSCST coordinator 

Project Coordinator 

NBA, NAAC criteria member 

E- Attestation coordinator 

IA coordinator 

Student Mentor

Class Advisor 

Lab Incharge 


Work Experience


Working as Assistant Professor in the department of Mechanical Engineering 

Start Date:  11.07.2016



1. Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management 

Assistant Professor 

Start Date: 21.06.2011 

End Date: 05.07.2016


Research Areas

Mechanical Machine Design, Automotive Engineering, Mechanical Vibrations, Heat Exchanger, Biofuels and composites

Journal Publications

  1.       Sushanth H. Gowda, Joel Dmello, Santhosh Poojary “Process optimization of Scleropyrum pentandrum biodiesel production and study the effect of blends on CI engine characteristics for variation of engine parameters” Industrial Crops & Products, 194 2023):116306. 

  2. Ramyashree A. P., Joel A. Dmello, Rakshith H. S, Impha Y. D, Mahammad Yunus C. “ Heat Recovery from Air Conditioner” Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation 2016, 6(5A): 113-116 DOI: 10.5923/c.jmea.201601.21
  3.      Sushanth H. Gowda, Joel Dmello, Santhosh Poojary “Optimization of oil extraction from Scleropyrum pentandrum ( Dennst .) mabb seeds by surface response approach” YMER ISSN NO 0044-0477 2022;21(10):1179–86. DOI: 10.37896/YMER21.10/A0

  4.       Sushanth H Gowda, Joel D'mello, K Raju “Effect of Compression Ratio on Engine Performance, Combustion and Emissions in an CI Engine Fuelled by VIOME, WCOME and W10V10” International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Management" (IJLREM), Volume 04 Issue 10 ǁ October 2020 ǁ PP 09-22

Conference Proceedings

  1. Sushanth H Gowda, Ramya M, Joel Dmello, and K. Raju, Influence of injection timing engine in performance and emission using milk scum biodiesel blends on CI, AIP Conference Proceedings 2236, 030005 (2020);
  2. Sushanth H. Gowda, Joel Dmello, Pavana Kumara B., and K. Raju “Optimization of oil extraction from vateria indica seeds by solvent extraction process using response surface method” AIP Conference Proceedings 2080, 030011 (2019)
  3. Joel Dmello, Alister G. D’Souza, Sushanth H. Gowda, and Denis Pinto “Experimental investigation of compression, flexural strength and damping behaviour of granite particulate epoxy matrix composite” AIP Conference Proceedings 2080, 020012 (2019);

  4.       Sushanth H Gowda, Joel D’ Mello, Joseph Gonsalvis, K Raju, Manjunath H N, “Effect of compression ratio on the Performance and Emission Characteristics of Vateria Indica Oil Methyl Ester on CI Engine”, ISBN (13): 978-93-5260-730-3, Mc Graw hill Publications, pp.90-94, 2017.

  5. Joel Antony D’Mello, S S Balakrishna,” Assessment of particulates matrix ratio and its influence on mechanical properties of granite particulates reinforced epoxy composite” International Journal Of Mechanical Engineering And Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 – 6340 (Print) ISSN 0976 – 6359 (Online) Volume 5, Issue 9, September (2014), pp. 266-270.
  6. Sandesh K, Joel D’Mello and S S Balakrishna, “Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties of Red Granite-Epoxy Particulate Composites”  International journal of Mechanical Engineering and robotics research (IJMERR), ISSN 2278 – 0149, Vol. 3, No. 4, October 2014, pp.178-187 

Research Grants

SJEC Seed money scheme 2022-23 has sanctined Rs 2,40,000/- for the project titled "Heat transfer analysis for different Nano fluid concentrations in a heat exchanger". 

KSCST : STUDENT PROJECT PROGRAMME – 46 th SERIES funded Rs 9,000 for project titled "Design and Fabrication of Paddy Dust cleaning Machine" in the year 2022-23.


Membership in professional Bodies

Life Member of Indian Society for technical Education-MISTE LM114421

International Association of Engineers (IAENG) Member; Member No: 267936


Contact Information

Mr Joel Antony DMello

Assistant Professor, Maintenance Supervisor

B.E, M.Tech
