ISTE: Seminar on Product Design in India

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A Seminar and Interaction was organized by the Indian Society for Technical Education (I.S.T.E) SJEC Student’s Chapter on the 28 th of March, 2016 for the students of all branches.

The topic presented was Product Design in India by a German national, Mr Wolfram Thurm, who is a Product Designer, from Bauhaus University in Weimar, Dresden, Germany.

The programme began at 2:15 p.m. with the dignitaries being welcomed into the Bethania Hall by the M.C. Mr Vicky Vaz and ISTE Student Coordinator. The prayer song was rendered by the College choir led by Mr John Rodrigues.

Mr Loy Feandes, ISTE Student Coordinator presented a brief introduction to ISTE SJEC Students' Chapter to the audience. Mr Ankith K.R., ISTE Student Coordinator, presented the Report of Activities organized by ISTE since 2014. Mr Sandeep, ISTE Student Coordinator, welcomed the gathering. Mr Noel Shiri, ISTE Chapter Chairman, introduced the Chief Guest, Mr Wolfram Thurm, to the gathering.

Rev. Fr Rohith D'Costa, Assistant Director - SJEC was the Guest of Honour and Dr Rio D'souza, Vice Principal – SJEC, presided over the function.

Mr Wolfram Thurm kicked off the series of short and insightful speeches, followed by Rev. Fr Rohit D’Costa, Assistant Director. Dr Rio D’Souza, Vice-Principal of SJEC articulated his thoughts and views of the Seminar topic in his Presidential Address. Dr Rio, in his speech, shared a few insights into the art of Disruptive Creativity, wherein a person seeks creative answers by questioning the norms.

Assistant Director Rev. Fr Rohit D’Costa, presented the chief guest with a memento.

Certificates of honour for the teachers and students who had participated in I.S.T.E sponsored Srinivasa Ramanujan Mathematical Competitions 2014-2015 (SRMC 2014-15), the nationwide mathematics exam held on 1 st November 2014 for Engineering Students and Teachers , were distributed by the chief guest Mr Wolfram Thurm and Dr Rio D’Souza, to the teachers and students respectively. Mr Prashanth Kamath, ISTE Student Coordinator, concluded the formal function with a vote of thanks.

Mr Wolfram Thurm started the seminar by introducing himself in a manner that showed his humble nature whilst highlighting his achievements. He is a conglomerate of a Musician, Product Designer and Fashion Designer. As a Designer, Mr Thurm believes that a product has to be made based on logic and purpose whereas the aesthetics comes in secondary. He then went on to elucidate his current project work in India.

In his talk he presented his belief in the Right to Interaction among people concocted his project titled – TOGETHERNESS – Public Spaces for Transformation in which he specified a few key points, notably:

Always look at problems as potential for improvement.
His aim is to eradicate the nuisance of garbage.
His project had to be relevant to society.
Materials used are different forms of plastic (garbage included).
Incorporated the Universal Design Concept (Durability, Affordability and Modularity)

Plan for an existing site (public space).

He asked the gathering – Why Should People Work Together? His answers were eye-openers:

Spirit of Collaboration will be felt.

Design + Engineering = Exceptional Products

Meaningful ideas and innovations will lead to better economy and understanding.

With this, Mr Thurm ended his seminar on a retrospective note – To create something with his Own Hands rather than Just Talk about ideas . After this, he answered the myriad of questions posed by the intrigued audience. And on the request of students, Mr Thurm sang a hymn by playing a guitar.

Dr Vincent Crasta, HOD-Physics felicitated Mr Thurm, and with that, the activities of ISTE SJEC Student’s Chapter for the current semester had culminated.