Note to Parents

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Note to Parents

Dear Parents

We are happy that you have chosen to admit your child as a student, to this prestigious institution. We would like to assure you that they have made the right choice in pursuing a professional education.

The college offers excellent facilities in academics and has consistently achieved outstanding results at the University level. Co-curricular activities and sports are actively promoted during the academic session and the campus itself is a serene and secure environment with hostel facilities for both men and women.

SJEC is committed to providing your child all the opportunities they require to achieve their goals. Therefore, we request your involvement, as parents, in supporting them both in academics and personal development.

Kindly emphasize the importance of regular study habits at home and in the hostel. Encourage your child to be:

  • Punctual and regular for classes and lab work. Teachers may not admit late comers and absence must be reported to the concerned teacher, in the next class.
  • Organized in submitting records and assignments on time
  • Well-prepared for internal tests and exams.
  • Positive about meeting Teachers and Class Advisors regularly
  • Suitably dressed according to college regulations

Parents are always welcome to visit the College. You must come personally to receive the marks card of the first internal test of the first semester. This is the first evaluation of your child’s efforts and your encouragement will go a long way in improving their results. Your son/daughter is assigned to a Class Advisor, a senior teacher who will offer help and assistance. You may approach them for any related matter.

Please note that VTU insists on 85% attendance. Discourage your child from being absent. If any illness results in more than three days absence kindly send a Medical Certificate. However, loss of attendance cannot be made up by producing a Medical Certificate. It is the students’ responsibility to ensure that they have the minimum attendance. Students who fall seriously ill on campus will be referred to Fr. Mullers Medical College Hospital for treatment and/or hospitalization if necessary.

Kindly note, that VTU has banned the use of mobile phones on college campuses. As parents, you are anxious and desire to speak to your child in order to be assured of their well being. However, students who habitually use mobile phones tend to carry them into the examination hall which may result in their exam being cancelled . We assure you that emergency calls made to the College Office, the Director, the Principal, the Dean and Hostel Wardens will always be noted and urgent information will be communicated promptly, to your child.

Now that your child has been admitted to SJEC we invite you too, to become a part of the SJEC family and take interest in college programmes and activities, especially those that your child participates in. The College Website is the best platform for you to keep abreast of the latest announcements and events on campus. SJEC also extends a warm welcome to parents to attend College Day Celebrations in March through a formal invitation by post.

We hope that your association with the college will enable your child to emerge as a well-qualified engineer whose outlook is balanced by professional ethics in the work place and a humane approach to life.