Central Computer Centre

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About Central Computer Centre

The Department of Central Computer Centre (CCC) is the nerve centre of campus wide network. CCC is located in the basement of Academic Block – II and provides computing and other IT related facilities. CCC provides system administration and technical support which includes software installation, configuration of servers and desktops/laptops, network monitoring (both wired & wireless) and internet sharing etc.

CCC possesses Mikrotik Cloud Core router which connects the campus through 1.5 Gbps Internet leased line with a contention ratio of 1:1. Fiber Optic links stretches from CCC to hostels, amenity block, academic block and other areas. The server room of CCC houses the core switch that links all the other network switches and wireless access points throughout the campus.

To ensure a secured network connectivity and efficient bandwidth management at the central source, both for wired and wireless access, the institution deployed a SonicWALL 5700 seventh Generation Firewall along with a Ruckus Wi-Fi Controllers Ruckus ZD3050 and COMMSCOPE Ruckus Smart Zone 144 at CCC. The department poses around 164 Wi-Fi devices (RUCKUS and ARUBA) and manages around 1992 desktop systems throughout the campus to reach out to the end users.

CCC is well equipped with backend equipment’s which includes servers (IBMX 3100 and Dell PowerEdge Tower Servers), bulk data storage unit (Netgear NAS Storage NAS3312 and NAS3318)

The entire campus is vigilances through 411 high definition CCTV cameras via the campus network links and it uses bulk data storage unit to store the footages of the cameras.

Campus Resources

1.5 Gbps

Internet Speed - Leased Line with 1:1 Contention ratio




WiFi Devices


CCTV Cameras

Head of Department
Mr Sunith Kumar T

Mr. Sunith Kumar T

An academician with 14 years of teaching experience specializing in the field of Computer Applications. His passion and expertise lie in the realm of Image Processing.

B.Sc., MCA

Wi-Fi users, security and connectivity management

SI.NO Item Description Purpose
1 Internet Connection-1 1.5 Gbps Leased line with 1:1 contention ratio Campus wide internet
2 Internet Connection-2 4 Mbps Leased Line with 1:1 contention ratio Question paper delivery system (QPDS)
3 Router MikroTik CCR1009 Internet Sharing Routing and Nating
4 Firewall Dell SonicWALL NSA4600 Campus wide Lan and Wi-Fi network administration
5 Wi-Fi Zone Director Controller Ruckus ZD3050 Wifi Controller for Campus
6 Wifi Smart Zone Ruuckus SZ144 Wifi Controller for Hostels
7 Network Switches Netgear M5300-28GF3 Layer 3 Switch
Netgear M4100 Layer 2 Switch
Techroute TR S3740F
Campus wide Uplink connectivity
Main link to Servers and Firewall interfaces
Campus wide CCTV Uplink connectivity
8 Servers IBM X3100 M4
Wi-Fi Users Authentication Asset Management System
Cadence Server
Biometric User Management Sonic Wall Analyzer software
9 NAS Storage NAS Netgear Ready NAS 3312
NAS Netgear Ready NAS 3318
CCTV Storage System
Storage for Media cell
Profile Image

Mr Sunit Kumar T

Assistant Professor & I/C CCC

B.Sc., MCA

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Designation Name Qualifications
System Administrator Mr Lokesh Suvarna B.Sc, M.Sc(IT)
Lab Instructor Mr Keerthi Dsouza JCHNP, BCA, MCA
Lab Technician Mr Ashley Dias Dip. in Computer Hardware, Dip in Basic Electronics and Audio Technology
Graphic Designer Ms Ida Jacintha Cordeiro Diploma in Graphic Design
Trainee Media Assitant Mr Prajith Kumar B.Com