Message to Students

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Message to Students

Dear Student,

We welcome you to St Joseph Engineering College. We are extremely pleased that you have chosen to pursue your professional studies at this premier institution which is one of the best in the Dakshina Kannada region.

SJEC is a Christian Minority Institution that admits deserving students from all communities in order to support the aspirations and ambitions of young people, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, who wish to secure a better future. You have taken the first step in that direction – now it is up to you to continue your journey. Your education here will be complete only when you take full advantage of all the facilities we offer.

In academics you will be guided by experienced and dedicated faculty: for every 13 students there is a qualified teacher. Please meet them regularly and interact with them outside class hours. They are trained to help students resolve both academic and personal difficulties. In addition, every class has a Faculty Advisor and every student is assigned a Mentor to enable you to improve your performance in college. The College Library offers you access to comprehensive online resources and the Central Computer Centre ensures that you have internet facilities through Wifi systems both in the academic blocks as well as the hostels.

Take advantage of the multiple forums available to develop and enhance your personality. Department associations and clubs organize both intra and inter college events at formal and informal levels. Participation in co-curricular activities will help you acquire communication, organizational and leadership skills that will be crucial in advancing your career. Spend time after class exercising on the field or in the gym. SJEC has facilities for both indoor and outdoor sports and coaches students to compete at VTU sponsored, sport and athletic events.

We acknowledge that technical education demands both: self-discipline and diligence, as well as emotional balance and well-being. Therefore, the college has a qualified, resident Campus Counsellor and Campus Minister to assist students and the College Chapel provides place for solitude, meditation and prayer. Catholic students are urged o participate in the early morning services conducted every day.

Finally, you are a Josephite! The motto that we uphold is Service and Excellence. We expect and encourage you to imbibe these values during your stay on campus as they will play a pivotal role in helping you achieve success in your study and thereafter in your career.

Good luck for your studies!