The All India Catholic University Federation is a movement of university students with a vision for a new and just society. It is indicated by the abbreviation AICUF.

Aims & Objectives

  • To cultivate in students a deep and genuine concern for the oppressed and marginalised and to effectively commit themselves to the task of building a new and just society.
  • To motivate students to become involved in studies, research and activities linked to the broader social issues and struggles with a view to becoming a creative and critical force within the university.
  • To enable Christian students to play a prophetic role in their communities through a living and critical understanding of their faith, drawing inspiration from the Gospels, the Eucharist and their prayer life.
  • AICUF ever tries to link to the emerging needs and realities of the university, the church and the wider society.

The SJEC AICUF unit participated at the AICUF Day Celebrations held at St Aloysius College on Sunday, 20th of March 2011. The day began with Holy Mass in the Aloysius Chapel at 9:00 AM, followed by the function in the auditorium. Fr. Almeida, the ex-State Advisor and Prof. Lourdswamy, Professor in English Department of St Aloysius College, were the dignitaries present for the function. AICUF Animators, Presidents and Secretaries were present for the function. Prof Lourdswamy gave us a brief introduction about the origin of AICUF and its activities throughout the state and country. Interactive sessions and quiz and games were conducted and every AICUF member participated in it very actively.