Holy Spirit Mass and Inauguration of AICUF

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  • Holy Spirit Mass and Inauguration of AICUF

The All India Catholic University Federation (AICUF) unit at SJEC organized a formal inauguration of its activities for the current academic session with the celebration of Holy Mass in the College Chapel at 8:30am. The main celebrant was Rev Fr (Dr) Joseph Martis, Director, St Joseph Inter Diocesan Seminary, Jeppu. Director-in charge Rev.Fr.Ajith Menezes, Assistant Director Rev Fr Rohit D’costa, and Campus Counsellor Rev Fr Joseph Cardoza also concelebrated the mass. After mass, Rev Fr Joseph Martis unveiled the AICUF logo as a symbolic gesture.

AICUF is an organization of catholic university students with a vision for a new and just society. It links itself to the emerging needs and realities of universities, the church and society. The members of AICUF stand for the service and liberation of all human beings, as Jesus did, irrespective of caste, sex, language and belief. Students who would like to develop an ethical and creative approach to life, get involved in studies and activities linked to broader social issues and struggles, with a view to become a constructive force within the college or outside, are encouraged to join AICUF, irrespective of their religion. The first meeting was scheduled on 7th Aug 2014, at 1:30 pm at Fr Fred Memorial Hall.