An industry-academia training program was organized by the Central Library to the students of Management of Business Administration on 22nd of April, 2016 at 9.30 a.m. on the topic "Reinvent and Transform" at Mechanical Engineering Conference Hall. The resource person for the session was Mr. Ronald Mendonca, Principal Consultant and Coach at Smart Solutions, Mangalore. Dr. Felcy D'Souza, Chief Librarian, SJEC introduced the resource person to the gathering.

Mr. Ronald Mendonca spoke about innovation in industries and skills that companies require. He asked questions to test the knowledge of the students by probing some questions and gave many important tips to the students which they need to apply in their day to day life. Through an activity he taught the students the importance of networking in day to day schedule. He gave information regarding some of the bank examinations and also gave insight about how to reinvent ourselves. The students from I year and II year MBA and faculty members from the Department of Business Administration were present for this training program and vote of thanks was proposed by Diana Mathias, student of I year MBA.