Student Outreach Programme at D. K. Z. P. Government Higher Primary School, Bikarnakatte

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  • Student Outreach Programme at D. K. Z. P. Government Higher Primary School, Bikarnakatte


A student outreach programme was organized by the Department of Chemistry under the banner of ChemAtom association on 21 July 2023 between 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m at D. K. Z. P. Govement Higher Primary School, Bikaakatte.   The programme objective was to visit the school, carry out science related activities and cultural activities for enhancing their knowledge in science and culture.

A total of sixteen B.E student members of ChemAtom and five chemistry department faculty members were part of the outreach programme.  This programme was conducted for students of 5 th , 6 th and 7 th standard comprising 83 students.  The topics explained were chemical bonding which included hands-on experience for the students in making 3D models of chemical molecules, food adulteration experiments and importance of leaing chemistry in day-to-day life.

The B.E students entertained the school students by singing songs, performing action songs and dance.  Spot quiz was conducted on the knowledge shared and many students won prizes for the correct answer.  Our students enacted a skit on mobile phone addiction cautioning the students not to fall trap to the addiction of over usage of smartphones and the need to focus on leaing to aim on becoming a great scientist like A. P. J. Kalam.  A speech on patriotism and a patriotic song was sung to motivate the interested students to join the armed forces.

The students were inspired by the outreach programme and wished for more such programmes.  Refreshments were served to the students at the end of the programme.  The outreach programme was a success meeting the objective of the visit.