Training Programme for FMMCH Staff on Management of Hazardous Chemicals

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(MOU between SJEC and FMMCH for chemical management dated 27/6/2018)

The Quality Department of Father Muller Medical College Hospital in collaboration with the department of Chemistry of St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, on December 4 2019 organized a training on Management of Hazardous Chemicals for the faculty of Father Muller Medical College Hospital.

The programme was aimed to create awareness among the staff on safe handling, storage and spill management of chemicals. More than 130 participants including doctors, nurses and other support staff attended the training.

Prinita Pinto welcomed the gathering and introduced the resource personnel, Dr K Jyothi, HOD and professor of the department of Chemistry of St Joseph Engineering College and her team Pramila D'Souza, Prathima S, Sheethal Feandes and Smitha. Knowing the chemical before using it, the importance of labelling the containers, appropriate storage of chemicals and safety precautions during usage were the points stressed on during the

Spill management was demonstrated using protective equipment. Various activities were conducted during the training and winners were awarded. The training ended with a takeaway message, 'Protect yourself, protect others and protect the environment'.

Fr Nelson Pais, assistant administrator, Father Muller Medical College Hospital handed over a token of appreciation to the speakers. Sr Janet D'Souza, chief nursing officer, Dr Venkatesha B M, NABH coordinator, Dr Anil deputy medical superintendent were also present.
Father Muller Medical College Hospital and St Joseph Engineering College had signed an MOU on June 27, 2018, to help train its faculty and staff on Management of Hazardous Chemicals.

The Quality department is under the administratorship of Fr Rudolph Ravi D'Sa, FMMCH, which revolves its activities around maintaining the National Accreditation Board for Hospital and Health Care Providers (NABH). The Father Muller Medical College Hospital has been re-accreditated with the NABH in 2018. It is the first hospital with all the accreditations (NABH, NABL, NAAC, Bureau Veritas) in Dakshina Kannada.


Mangaluru: FMMCH conducts training on Management of Hazardous Chemicals