Awareness on Certification Courses offered by CSE

The Department of CSE under the Cipher Student Association organized a webinar on the various Certification Courses that were offered by the Department on February 1, 2021 from 2.00 pm to 3.00pm. The Resource Persons for the event were Ms. Lavina Dsilva  and Ms. Supreetha R, Assistant Professors, Dept of CSE, SJEC. They explained about the Robotics Process Automata course and  Cisco Certification Course which was offered in the department.

The webinar was then continued by Ms. Alonie Crasta, Student of the final year CSE, who spoke about the benefits of taking these certification courses and how it had helped her crack placements. 84 students from all the engineering branches of SJEC participated in the event. Ms. Nisha Roche Faculty coordinator of Cipher Association compered the event. The session concluded with Q & A session and a Vote of thanks