CIPHER –the student association of Computer Science Department of St. Joseph Engineering College hosted an Intra-Departmental fest ‘AURORA-2019’ on 21st February, 2019. The fest comprised of three events that were categorized into technical, semi-technical and non-technical.

Technical Event


Three members form a team and three rounds in total

Round 1: Technical quiz based on computer concepts         

Round 2: Debugging

Round 3: Coding

The first place was bagged by Mr Ivor D’Souza and Deepesh Bhat of third year. The second place was won by Mr Krishnakanth Upadhyaya and Mr Deepesh Bhat of third year.

Semi-technical Event

Sacred Games

Three formed a team. There were three rounds in total,

Round 1: Fun quiz on random topics

Round 2: Treasure hunt

Round 3: Coding and audio visual round

The first place was won by Ms Pragathi, Ms Pramatha and Ms Poojitha of final year whereas the second place was won by Mr Preetham, Mr Shravan and Mr Nithin of third year.

Non-Technical Event


This non-technical event comprised of  team of 3 members with 4 rounds

Round 1: General knowledge quiz

Round 2: Logo quiz and audio visual quiz

Round 3: Treasure  hunt

Round 4: One minute talk on a given topic. The last round was judged by Ms Evita Coelho and Mr Gerald H F, Assistant professors of CSE Department.

The first place was bagged by Mr Aronstun, Mr Jayasurya and Ms Andrea of second year whereas, the second place was won by Mr Winston, Mr Bryan and Ms Deeksha of second year.

The winners received certificates and gift vouchers that were sponsored by the college.