On the 28th February and 1st march 2017, the students of the third year CSE were treated with a surprise. The fourth year CSE students decided to demonstrate various projects that were done in their third year in order to inspire their juniors with something new. As third years have to do a mini project in the sixth semester, it was only natural that they took the help of their seniors.

After the brief on Computer Graphics by Mr Aatash, the seniors showcased a variety of interesting projects. From Monopoly to a social media page, these students put in a lot of time and effort to make their projects a great success.

A team comprising of 2 members Aatash and Divina did a project on the popular board game, Monopoly. This was a very new and interesting concept which involved the pegs moving and buying property. Mr Shravan made a project related to passing a ball through a maze. The maze was randomly generated through an algorithm. The maze also featured a movable camera and as well as a night mode.

Along with them, a team comprising of Daisy and Anvitha made an animated project using a female superhero. With colorful animations, it shows how the heroine saved the day by punching the bad guys to space. Mr Arvind Prabhu made an online social media site. This was complete with a profile, status, news and even an interactive game of X-O.

Overall, this gave the third year students a great sense of wonder for what their seniors have done. This gives them the motivation to get to the same level as their seniors or even better.