CSE: Delta DevOps session conducted during Induction programme for first year students

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  • CSE: Delta DevOps session conducted during Induction programme for first year students

As a part of the Department Specific session of the Induction programme for first year CSE students, the members of Delta DevOps – a new student club of department of Computer Science and Engineering briefed the first years about the various activities and sessions conducted by the club. Ms Shreema Simran and Ms Nasil Saniah provided information on the member recruitment process of the club and the necessary skills and qualifications required to be a member. A demo of various projects developed by the club was done to give a clear picture of the ongoing activities of the club. Useful information about opportunities available on online platforms such as Hackerank, HackerEarth, etc was also discussed during this session. Students were introduced to LinkedIn and were taught about how to build a professional profile.