CSE: Faculty Development Refresher Programme on “New Age Skills for Excellence in Teaching”

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  • CSE: Faculty Development Refresher Programme on “New Age Skills for Excellence in Teaching”

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering hosted the Faculty Development Refresher Programme on “New Age Skills for Excellence in Teaching” on February 16th , 2019 for the faculty members of different departments of SJEC.  The FDP aimed at bringing awareness among the faculty members on the skills required to excel in teaching in the present day. There were a total of 30 faculty members from across the various departments of SJEC that participated in the FDP.

Ms Pramila D’Souza from the Department of Chemistry was the master of the ceremony. The FDP began with Ms D’Souza welcoming the gathering.  The Principal Dr Rio D'Souza introduced the resource person Mr Praveen Kamath, General Manager & Head HR- Technology Practice Units, Wipro Ltd., Bengaluru to the participants. Dr Rio D'Souza also addressed the participants about the expectations of the present day students from the faculty members and the steps that can be taken to meet them. Rev. Fr Wilfred Prakash D'Souza, The Director , Rev. Fr Rohith D'Costa , Assistant Director, Dr Joseph Gonsalves, Chief – R & D , Dr Sridevi Saralaya , Head of the Department of CSE graced the occasion.


Mr Praveen Kamath shared his expertise with the participants on the skills required by the faculty members in the present day to excel in their profession.  The participants took part in the FDP enthusiastically throughout the day and shared their experience at the end of the session.  Dr Rio D'Souza presented a memento to the resource person Mr Praveen Kamath appreciating his contribution for the benefit of the faculty members. The FDP ended with the distribution of participation certificates to the participants. The Convener of the FDP, Ms Anusha M M, Assistant Professor from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering proposed the vote of the thanks.