CSE: FDP on "MATLAB and its applications in the areas of Image Processing, Computer Vision and Deep Learning"

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  • CSE: FDP on "MATLAB and its applications in the areas of Image Processing, Computer Vision and Deep Learning"

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering in association with SJEC-MATLAB, CSI-SJEC Student Chapter and Industry and Innovation Group (IIG) hosted the Faculty Development Programme on "MATLAB and its applications in the areas of Image Processing, Computer Vision and Deep Leaing" on 10th to 12th February 2020 for all the interested faculty and research scholars from various colleges in the state. The FDP was coordinated by Ms Sunitha Guruprasad and Ms Chaithra of Computer Science & Engineering Department. The main aim of the FDP was to bring together Postgraduate students, Research Scholars and Faculty who were interested to gain more knowledge on Deep Leaing, Computer Vision and Machine Leaing. There were total of 2 participants from neighboring colleges and 19 inteal participants. The programme began with a formal Inaugural session on 10th February 2020. Ms Anusha M M, Asst Professor CSE Dept welcomed the guests, the resource person and the participants of the workshop.   Dr Sridevi Saralaya, HOD of Computer Science and Engineering welcomed the guest Mr Rakshith B S, Senior Application Engineer, CoreEL Technologies, Bangalore with a bouquet of flower. Ms Anusha M  M briefed the participants on the concepts on Deep Leaing & Machine Leaing and also briefed about the importance of MATLAB.

The FDP session began with an introduction of Math works Products, MATLAB programming basics, numerical computation, data analysis and visualization ,Resizing an image, Image Rotation, Translation of image, Converting color space of an image:, Deblur images, Dehazing algorithm, Filtering/Denoising using guided filter and Smoothening: Average filter, Gaussian filter, Median filter, Edge preserving filters, Image sharpening.

The second day included the following topics:

Image thresholding, Adding noise into the image, Image noise reduction, Filtering image using Gaussian/Average filters. Morphological operations: Structuring elements, Erosion, Dilation Compound operations, Fill interior gaps, Smoothening of the objects, Annotating faces, Image registration, Estimate geometric transform, Reconstruction of images, Face detection using KLT Algorithm, Detection of interesting points over the face, Tracking the face,

The third day of the FDP included the topics of Machine leaing using MATLAB:

Cleaning the data, EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis), Visualize using Scatter plot, Plot decision boundary, Train classifier, Occam's Razor. Using classification leaer app: Regression, RMSE (Root Mean Square Error), Export Model, improving predictive models, Training the models, Predictions, Confusion chart, Classification - Deep leaing tool box, Analysis, create image data store, augmented image data store to resize images, Transfer leaing - training networks

At the end of the programme, HOD appreciated the resource person for their whole-hearted contribution towards the success of the workshop and presented them with a memento as a token of appreciation. Ms Anusha M M thanked all the participants for their active participation in the workshop and invited the participants to attend many such workshops in the future.

The training programme ended with the distribution of certificates to all the participants. This three-day FDP was appreciated by all the participants who were happy to have received such valuable information from an enthusiastic MATLAB and Deep Leaing specialist.