CSE: Intensive Workshop “Tips to Crack Campus Placement Interview”

A workshop on “Tips to Crack Campus Placement Interview” was held for the students of  V Semester Computer Science on 28.09.2018 at 10 AM at Bethania Hall, St. Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor. Mr. Anil Kumar H., Senior Software Engineer, BOSCH was the resource person. The workshop began with a silent prayer followed by a brief welcome of the guest and the gathering by Ms Elrica, Vice-President, CIPHER .The Head of the Department of Computer Science, Dr. Sridevi Saralaya introduced the guest to the gathering.

The first session began with tips on cracking the technical round in interviews. The resource person highlighted the importance of obtaining an offer letter from a company before graduating from the college. He briefed the students on the basics of C programming and highlighted the importance of C programming knowledge in technical interviews. Furthermore, he gave a reference list of textbooks and apps for students to improve their programming skills. He also stressed on the importance of being technically sound before being hired as that would ensure job security. The group dispersed for lunch at 1 pm.

The workshop resumed at 2 PM. post lunch with a session on various important and frequently asked programs such as Fibonacci series, factorial of a number computing GCD of two numbers etc.

The last session had the speaker giving tips to students on cracking the Group Discussion round as well as Human Resource interview. He highlighted the relevance of eye contact at all times as well as the positive impact of initiation, listening skills and positive attitude in group discussions.

Mr. Kumar stressed on the importance of etiquette during interviews. He also spoke about exposure to examinations like AMCAT, eLitmus and the like which could also provide broader options in taking jobs in various streams such as Healthcare, Automotive, Telecom, Embedded, etc. As a parting advice, the resource person mentioned that one should gain experience for at least two years before considering post-graduation as that would provide a stronger ground for gaining a foot-hold in Universities. The workshop concluded at 3:30 pm by felicitating the resource person with a memento by the staff coordinator, Ms Gayana M N and Carlton Rodrigues, the President of CIPHER delivering the vote of thanks.