CSE: One-day hands-on workshop on Web Scraping with Python

The IEI association of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a one-day hands-on workshop on ‘Web Scraping with Python’ for the III year CSE students on 21.09.2019 from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. in the IoT lab (Room no.3607), Academic Block-III.  

The workshop began with Ms Anusha M M, Assistant Professor in the Department of CSE, Chairperson & CSE Department Coordinator for IEI welcoming the gathering and introducing the resource persons Mr Karthik Bhat, Mr John Feandes, Mr Jason Misquith, Mr Jovel Cardoso, Mr Jaison Castelino from Unicourt India, Mangalore. The session began with Mr Karthik Bhat introducing the students to the basics of Python programming language, operations with files, the datatypes and data structures required for web scraping. The students were exposed to a hands-on experience on scraping data from websites with BS4 package and getting all the data from websites in appropriate format. Students were divided into teams and given problem statements to work on with Mr Karthik Bhat’s team members facilitating student leaing.

Dr Sridevi Saralaya, Head of the Department of CSE felicitated the resource persons of the workshop. The session ended with Ms Anusha M M proposing the vote of thanks.

The organizing team consisted of chairperson, Ms Anusha M M and co-chairperson, Ms Supriya Salian, Assistant Professors in the Department of CSE.