CSE: Talk on ‘Preparation for Higher Studies’ by T.I.M.E. Pvt. Ltd, Mangaluru

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  • CSE: Talk on ‘Preparation for Higher Studies’ by T.I.M.E. Pvt. Ltd, Mangaluru

The IEI association of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a talk on ‘Preparation for Higher Studies’ for the III year CSE students by T.I.M.E. Pvt. Ltd, Mangaluru on 24.09.2019 from 4.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. in the Webinar Hall, 6th floor, Academic Block-III.  

The talk began with Ms Anusha M M, Assistant Professor in the Department of CSE, Chairperson & CSE Department Coordinator for IEI welcoming the gathering. Mr Ashwith Poojary of T.I.M.E. Pvt. Ltd, Mangaluru interacted with the students about the opportunities that lie ahead after engineering education. He guided the students about the preparation required for higher studies and the qualifying examinations that are an admissions requirement for postgraduate degrees.

The session ended with Ms Anusha M M proposing the vote of thanks.