CSE: Technical Talk on Applications of Microcontrollers and Microprocessors in Space Systems

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  • CSE: Technical Talk on Applications of Microcontrollers and Microprocessors in Space Systems

CIPHER, the Students’ Association of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at SJEC in association with ISTE Students’ Chapter organized a technical talk on Applications of Microcontroller and Microprocessor in Space Systems by Mr Kiran Desai, Project Manager at ISRO - Bengaluru .The talk was held on 29th April 2017 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at Spoorthi Conference Hall Academic Block -III.

Ms Fiona Saldana, from 4th semester, welcomed the gathering. Dr Rio D'Souza, HOD-CSE introduced the speaker Mr Kiran Desai to the audience.

Mr Kiran Desai is currently working as a Software QA Project Manager for ADITHYA-L1, ScatSat-1 and ResourceSat-2A Space crafts. He is involved in the designing and developing of Generic Microprocessor simulators for various targets like SparcV8/LEON3FT, Power PC etc.

Ms Chaithra, ISTE Coordinator florally welcomed Mr Kiran Desai.

More than 150 students of the II year were present and benefited from this session. The students were given information on ISRO's past and on-going projects and motivated students to join ISRO.

After the talk, students had an interaction with Mr Kiran Desai where they discussed about satellites and manned moon mission of ISRO.

Dr Rio D’Souza, HOD-CSE Department presented Mr Kiran Desai with a memento for sharing his knowledge with our students.

The event ended with vote of thanks by Ms Fiona Saldana.