CSE: Workshop on Digital Image Processing and Applications

The CSI-SJEC Student Chapter conducted a two day workshop on “Digital Image Processing and applications” on 28th and 29th February, 2020, in the Webinar Hall of CSE department. The workshop was open for the interested students of BE-CSE. The resource persons were Dr P C Siddalingaswamy and Dr Narendra V G, Associate Professors-Senior (CSE), from MIT, Manipal.

The inauguration of workshop was compered by Ms Rachel Gwynath Mendonsa, office bearer of CSI. The HOD of the Department of CSE, Dr Sridevi Saralaya welcomed the resource persons, Dr P. C. Siddalingaswamy and Dr Narendra V G with flowers.

Dr P. C. Siddalingaswamy started the session with a brief introduction to Digital Image processing (DIP). He also elaborated on the applications of Image processing concepts in various fields. Difference between Computer Vision and Digital Image processing was discussed. The second session was about Augmented / Virtual Reality, Medical Imaging, Image registration, Image Enhancement and Image Segmentation methods. A brief introduction on the various softwares that can be used for implementing the DIP projects were given to the students.

The afteoon session was a Hands-on session, where the students were taught about the applications of DIP using MATLAB by Dr Narendra V G. A Miniproject was given to the students based on the day’s leaing.

The next day’s session covered the topics of real time applications that can be created using Image processing tools.  Case studies on application of Image Processing to Medical diagnosis and application of Image Processing to Food processing were explained in detail. A Miniproject was given to the students based on the day’s leaing.

Students asked many doubts and clarified it. Students got a useful demo and also a hands-on experience on MATLAB and DIP. On the whole the session was interactive and helpful to students.

Ms Sunitha Guruprasad, Coordinator of CSI-SJEC Chapter, presented mementos to the resource persons for their efforts. The session was concluded by thanking everyone by Mr Leroy Dsilva, Vice-President of CSI.

A total of 55 students from sixth semester CSE, participated in the workshop. Ms Sunitha Guruprasad, staff coordinator of CSI-SJEC Student Chapter and the Office bearers of CSI coordinated the workshop.