CSE: Workshop on Neural Networks and its Applications

The CSI-SJEC Chapter organized a hands-on workshop on “Neural Network and its Applications” using Python on 13th April 2019 from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm in the Webinar hall of CSE department. The workshop was open for the third and fourth year students of BE-CSE and second year students of MCA. The resource person for the session was Dr Smitha Pai, Professor, MIT, Manipal.

Ms. Sunitha Guruprasad, staff coordinator of CSI-SJEC Chapter welcomed the resource person. Initially, a pre-assessment was done to just gauge the knowledge of students on Neural Network Technology. Dr Smitha Pai started the session with a brief introduction to Neural Network. She also elaborated on the applications of Neural Network concepts in various fields. The resource person highlighted the cutting edge technology by giving some real world examples.

The second session was a Hands-on session. A brief introduction on the use of numpy functions and numpy matrix/vector operations of Python was given to the students. This was followed by code on understanding "broadcasting" and vectorization of code. The group dispersed for lunch at 1 pm.

The afteoon session started at 2:00 pm. The session included topics on ‘Building a logistic regression classifier to recognize cats’, ‘Planar data classification with one hidden layer’, ‘Building a deep neural network for image classification with as many layers’ and ‘Applying a deep neural network for supervised leaing’.

The workshop concluded at 4:00 pm by felicitating the resource person with a memento by the staff coordinator and delivering the vote of thanks. The workshop was jointly coordinated by Ms Sunitha Guruprasad and Mr Sunil Kamath, Coordinators of CSI. Ms Theresa Reshma Pinto, Ms Nikhitha Shetty and Ms Divya B, technical staffs of the department, provided technical help to the students throughout the workshop.

Students got a useful demo and also a hands-on experience on Neural Network and Python. On the whole the session was interactive and helpful to students.