Three Day Workshop on Research in Artificial Intelligence by Domain: Applications and Technologies

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  • Three Day Workshop on Research in Artificial Intelligence by Domain: Applications and Technologies

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering of St Joseph Engineering College organized a three day workshop on "Research in Artificial Intelligence by Domain: Applications and Technologies” from 21-23 March 2022. The three day workshop was inaugurated on 21st March 2022 at 9:30 AM. The programme started by invoking the blessings of the divine through a prayer which was followed by lightening the lamp. Dr Sridevi Saralaya, Head of the Department of CSE welcomed the gathering and gave an introduction of all the session topics, schedule and the respective session speakers.  The Chief Guest of the function, Dr Rio D'Souza, Principal and the president of the function, Rev. Fr Wilfred Prakash D'Souza, Director, SJEC spoke about the importance of Artificial Intelligence and also wished the participants a happy leaing. Dr. Kavitha K Mahesh, Convenor of the workshop, presented the vote of thanks.

A total of 38 participants including two exteal participants benefited from the workshop.

Day-wise session summary

Day 1 (March 21, 2022):

Resource Person: Dr. Rio D'Souza, Principal and Professor in CSE, SJEC, Mangaluru

Dr Rio D'Souza spoke about the importance of AI and its significance in various fields. He also gave a brief introduction of evolutionary computing and how it is applied to the field of Neural Network.

Resource Person: Dr Manjunath Mulimani, Asst Prof, MIT, Manipal

Dr Manjunath Mulimani gave an introduction about Neural Networks and how Deep Leaing is used to train deeper and deeper neural networks. He spoke about the advancements/researches that has taken place in the field of Deep Leaing. The session concluded with a Q and A session and a note of thanks to the resource person.

Resource Person: Dr H L Shashirekha, Professor, Mangalore University, Mangaluru

Dr H L Shashirekha gave an introduction to Natural Language Processing. She explained the various tasks that is involved in NLP like linguistics, Speech recognition, Part of speech tagging, Word sense disambiguation, Named entity recognition, Sentiment analysis and many more. She gave various examples to support the topics. The session concluded with a Q and A session and a note of thanks to the resource person.

Day 2 (March 22, 2022):

Resource Person: Dr Anand Kumar M, Assistant Professor, NITK, Mangaluru

Dr Anand Kumar M gave an introduction to NLP and human-computer interaction. He then gave insights into Conventional Machine Leaing, Transfer Leaing and Deep Leaing. He explained in detail about how transfer leaing can be used in NLP. He also explained how BERT model by giving various examples. At the end, he demonstrated the working of BERT model using Jupiter Notebook. The session concluded with a Q and A session and a note of thanks to the resource person.

Resource Person: Ms Veena Mayya, Assistant Professor, MIT, Manipal

Ms Veena Mayya gave an introduction to parallel programming and highlighted the difference between CPU and GPU programming. She explained the architecture of nVidia G80 GPU. She then gave a brief introduction of Cuda programming model. She then explained the role of threads, grids  by using sample code examples. She demonstrated the working of CPU and GPU using Jupiter Notebook.

Resource Person: Dr Vasudeva, Professor, NMAMIT, Nitte.

Day 3 (March 23, 2022):

Dr Vasudeva started the session by giving a brief introduction to AI and Graph theory. He explained the importance of graph theory and the various algorithms that can be used. He then briefed about the different application in which graph theory can be used. The session concluded with a Q and A session and a note of thanks to the resource person.