Two Days Hands-On Session On “Process Mining Using Execution Management System"

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  • Two Days Hands-On Session On “Process Mining Using Execution Management System"

SESSION 1(11:00AM - 1:00PM)- The event commenced at 11:00 AM with the prayer and 3rd year CSE student Mr. Prem Iniyan welcomed the resource person Mr. Manjunath Chandrashekar-Senior Academic Alliance Manager in Celonis and introduced him to the students(CSE) registered for the session. Mr. Majunath Chandrashekar began the session by giving a brief introduction to Celonis and explained what is Process Mining. He also presented how it is different from Data Mining. He enlightened the audients by highlighting about how the Execution Management system is beneficial to the industries to perform Process Mining. He explained the Basics of Applied Process Mining.

1.00 PM to 2.00 PM - Lunch Break

SESSION 2(2.00 PM to 4.00 PM )- Mr Manjunath Chandrashekar began the session by explaining about Event Logs. He described with examples of how event logs are very much required and stored as structured data. Later he briefed about what a Happy process means. He spoke about the Execution management System and gave the demo of Execution Management System (EMS) tool. The students and faculty were instructed on how to register and use the tool.

SESSION  3(11.00 AM to 1:00 PM)- Mr Manjunath highlighted the importance of Data Pipeline. He briefed about the various stages of Data pipeline.  He also discussed and gave the hands-on session on the case study on- Order to Cash entry Level Case in the EMS tool.

1.00 PM To 2:00 PM - Lunch Break

SESSION 4 (2.00 PM to 4.00 PM )- Mr Manjunath gave the Case study and asked the students to implement it. The list of tasks to be performed was given. The students performed the tasks using the EMS tool with great enthusiasm. He also solved the doubts of the student and faculty arise during the hands-on session.

At the end of the session, he gave us the insight on the courses that are available to students and Faculty. Also, he briefed about the inteships that are provided to the students. He also spoke about how Celonis can assist Faculty who are interested in research in the area of Process Mining which includes providing data, or any subject matter experts help etc. Dr Sridevi Saralaya, HOD of CSE thanked the Resource person for agreeing to spend his time at SJEC and delivering Hands-on session on Process Mining. She presented him with a token of appreciation. She also thanked the participants for attending the two-day session.