Webinar on Expanding the Magic Circle in Pervasive Casual Play

The Department of Computer Science & Engineering organized a webinar titled "Expanding the Magic circle in Pervasive Casual Playing” on April 4, 2022. The resource person for the webinar was Dr Sofia Ester Pereira Reis. The objective of the workshop was to initiate and foster research prospects among faculty, students and research scholars using Artificial Intelligence with special focus in the area of Pervasive Playing. 

The programme started with the welcoming of the resource person by the convener Dr Kavitha K Mahesh, Associate Professor-CSE. Dr Sridevi Saralaya, HoD-CSE and various faculty of the CSE department were present on the occasion. The talk was attended by a total of 41 participants including faculty, students and research scholars from SJEC and nearby twelve different colleges. The subject of the talk mainly focussed on Magic Circle, Expanding the magic circle with sound, weather and video, player's emotions, location and activities. The webinar was well received and the participants appreciated the webinar.