EEE: Follow your Robotic lines


The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is association with SJEC IEEE Student branch organized Follow Your Robotic Lines- A Hands on Session on "Design & Building of Robotic Bots” for the Ist & IInd year students of B.E on 22 nd & 23 rd July 2022 in Fr. Fred Memorial Hall from 9:00 - 5:00 P.M. A total of 45 students registered for the session making 14 teams.

Day 1: 22-7-2022

The moing session was started by explaining participates the working principle and schematic diagram of the components used in building the Robotic Bots & the key features of the Arduino. Later an introduction to the basics of Arduino programming was demonstrated by taking some examples. Moing session was concluded by demonstrating Thinker Caed.

Afteoon session was started by demonstrating the participates on how to fix the wheels to chassis and then program the same to move forward and reverse, program IR sensors to differentiate between black and white region. First day session was ended by informing the teams to build the bot and program it by varying the parameters.

Day 2: 23-7-2022

On day 2 teams were asked build their bots & demonstrate the program developed. Once the bot was developed by the teams, it was tested on the track and if required troubleshooting of the same was done by the volunteers to rectify the problem & corrections was told to the teams.

Feedback was collected from participants through the Google Form & the session was well appreciated by the teams.