EEE: Visit to Solar Roof Top Panel


Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering organized a Visit to solar panels installed on Rooftop in SJEC campus for all the  8th Semester  students of EEE Department on 06-05-2022.

Mr. Ajithanjaya addressed the students about the details of the design and construction and technical specifications of the solar installation. Students leat a great deal starting from the sun as a source of energy to how to get maximum energy from the sun through photovoltaics. Students were also introduced to the concepts of net metering and gross metering. This one hour session was conducted in the Tutorial room of the department. After the break of 5 mins students moved on to the field visit. The solar panel installation on the rooftop was visited first. Mr. Ajithanjaya explained all the construction details of the panels. Then the group of students moved on to visit the 5 inverters and the control panel. After spending some time answering the questions by the students the team visited the transformer at the incoming 11kv lines from the MESCOM. The generator set and the main electrical control panel of the college was also visited. The total visit was spanned for a duration of around 3 hours.