Talk by a dietician- “Let’s Talk Nutrition”


Wellness and Sports group, in association with the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, organized the first health talk "Let's Talk Nutrition”, on 28 th July 2023, from 3.30pm to 4.30 pm. The talk aimed to raise awareness about the importance of healthy eating habits and their impact on overall well-being. The talk covered a wide range of topics, including the fundamentals of nutrition, the role of various nutrients in the body, and practical tips for maintaining a balanced diet. The key points discussed in the talk are understanding nutrition, a balanced diet, the role of nutrients, the Impact of diet on health, the dietary recommendations for specific groups, hydration and mindful Eating.

The talk on "Let's Talk Nutrition” provided valuable insights into maintaining a healthy diet for optimal well-being. Attendees gained a deeper understanding of the role of nutrients in the body and received practical advice on making sustainable dietary changes. The talk aimed to contribute to a healthier and more informed community by promoting the adoption of healthier eating habits.

The talk was attended by students of electrical and electronics as well as civil engineering.