ECE: Talk on "Scientific Inquiry and Research in Engineering"


Objectives of the workshop:

To know the importance of Scientific Inquiry to students.

To understand the difference between Engineering and Research.

How to create innovative projects, which results in research etc.

How to be successful in life.

Brief about the proceedings of the event:

Dr Karunakar A Kotegar was the Chief Guest for the Inaugural program of ECE Students' Association at SJEC on 19 Dec 2022.The program started at 10am in Kalam Auditorium with invocation. Head of the department Dr Dayakshini welcomed everyone and introduced the Chief Guest. 'PRODIGI' the student association is inaugurated by lighting the lamp. Ms Avila Priya Pinto, PRODIGI  Coordinator for the year 2022-23 read the report of the year 2021-22. Meantime she introduced the new office bearers and the nominated members to the audience and HoD felicitated them. Subject toppers of the year 2021-22 were felicitated by the Chief Guest. Vote of thanks was rendered by President Mr Lloyd Chris Pasannha. After the refreshments the technical talk by Dr Karunakar was organized.

The resource person is a well known public speaker. He started his talk with brainstorming questions. He enlightened the staff and students pertaining to the terms Engineering, Higher Studies and Research. He also touched upon a few other topics such as doing Ph.D and doing research are not the same, everyone has to be curious to know anything they see and lea. How and Why are the questions to be asked to excel in our domains and design new things. He also motivated the slow leaers by emphasizing on the ten things to be followed to be successful in life. Success is not equal to money, students should develop the habit of reading books & reading 2 column papers, publishing the research work carried out is not mandatory but if published the life of it will be more than the life of the researcher. So all ethical aspects should be followed while publishing the paper.

One hour session ended with questions and answers.The resource person motivated everyone to be curious and become good researchers in their own domains of engineering. At the end the resource person was felicitated with memento and appreciation.

Name of the Resource person(s) with Affiliation:

Dr. Karunakar A Kotegar , Director, Inteational Collaboration & Professor, Department of Data Science and Computer Applications , MAHE, Manipal.