ECE: Three Days of FDP on “Awareness on Outcome Based Education and AICTE Examination Reforms”


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering organized a three days FDP on "Awareness on Outcome Based Education and AICTE Examination Reforms” on 11- 13 April, 2023 in association with IQAC and SJEC TLC-SANJOSH. The main objective of the FDP was to provide the participants an insight into Competency, Performance Indicators and Effective Assessment Strategies. The resource persons for the sessions were Dr Rio D'souza, Principal, SJEC, Dr Shreeranga Bhat, HOD-Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dr Pavana Kumara B, Head IQAC, Mr Franco Menezes, Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, Dr Dayakshini, HOD-Department of ECE, Ms Chaitra U R and Ms Jayalakshmi K P, Assistant Professors, Department of ECE. The FDP was open to all faculty of the ECE Department. Ms Chaitra U R and Ms Jayalakshmi K P and Ms K Aarya Shri, Assistant Professors, Department of ECE were the coordinators of FDP.