ECE: Workshop on “Introduction to Signal Processing and HDL”


The Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering in association with CoreEL Technologies organized a workshop on "Introduction to Signal Processing and HDL” during 10-11 October 2022 for the V Semester ECE Students. The Workshop was focused mainly on the following objectives:

  1. Illustrate the importance of Signal Processing and its applications using MATLAB
  2. Discuss the importance of  HDL and the role of HDL in Digital System  Design.

Day 1  - 10/10/2022

The moing session was by Mr Rakshith B S on Introduction to MATLAB tool. The resource person demonstrated creating variables, creating matrices and conditional statements using MATLAB. Students were also given insight about various online courses available in the MATLAB tool.

The afteoon session was by Mr Keith Raymond Feandes on the importance of Hardware Description Language in Digital System Design. The resource person discussed the evolution of Computer Aided Design tools and the emergence of  HDLs. Students were introduced to the design flow of  VLSI  IC circuits.

Day 2 - 11/10/2022

Students were given a hands on session on MATLAB Tool. Session started with creating variables, matrices and data manipulations in the command window. This was followed by writing a MATLAB script for plotting sine waves and different types of plotting styles. The resource persons for this hands-on session were Ms Chaitra U R and Ms Jayalakshmi K P.

Students were introduced to the Xilinx Vivado 2018.2 tool. The session started with an introduction to the verilog HDL for Digital System Design. Data flow and Gate Level Abstractions of Verilog HDL were explained to the students. Students were assigned a task to write a verilog code.  The Resource persons for this hands-on session were Ms Deepthi S R, Ms K Aarya Shri and Ms Rupal D'Souza.