INNOVATE 2023.0 -Turn Your Ideas to Reality


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering along with IEEE SJEC Student Branch and IEEE Mangalore Subsection organized a three days' workshop titled " Innovate-2023.0: Tu Your Ideas to Reality'' from 12-14 June 2023 for the pre final year students of SJEC. 133 students participated in the workshop. The main objective of the workshop was to provide the participants an insight into ideation that would aid in selecting apt industry/ socially relevant projects, plan its implementation, document the work and also introduce the ethical aspects to be considered.

Day 1: The workshop commenced with the inauguration at 9:30AM at Kalam Hall. Chief Guest for the inauguration was Dr Subramanya Bhat, Associate Professor from the Department of ECE at NMAMIT, Nitte and was presided over by Rev. Fr Wilfred Prakash D'Souza, Director, SJEC and Guests of Honor were Rev. Fr Kenneth Crasta , Assistant Director, SJEC, Dr Rio D'Souza, Principal, SJEC and Dr Purushothama Chippar, Vice Principal & Dean R & D, SJEC.

Session 1: IDEATION : Dr Subramanya Bhat served as the resource person for this session. The focus was on ideation and tuing ideas into reality. Dr Bhat provided insights into the process of ideation and facilitated two activities. The first activity involved working on new ideas, while the second activity revolved around project ideas in various domains. Dr. Bhat emphasized the importance of team formation, problem analysis, design, and having a project coordinator. He highlighted how individual and collaborative efforts can uplift not only the participants but also their institutions and the country as a whole. Additionally, the session underscored the significance of MATLAB in project development.

Session 2: LITERATURE REVIEW: Conducted by Dr. Roshan Naik, Assistant Professor from the Department of ECE at SJEC, this session focused on building a career around one's area of interest (AOI) and conducting literature reviews for academic projects. Dr Naik explained the research process, emphasizing the importance of establishing long-term and short-term goals and choosing specific areas of interest such as signal processing, communication, electromagnetics, and VLSI. Participants were encouraged to explore relevant resources to identify their AOI and were guided on how to narrow down their focus by identifying application areas and specific problems. Dr Naik also emphasized the role of mentors and the importance of literature reviews, including the desired outcomes and the format for writing reports.

Session 3: EFFECTIVE PRESENTATION AND DOCUMENTATION: Mr Aldrin Vaz, Assistant Professor from the Department of ECE at SJEC, conducted this session, which focused on effective presentation and documentation. Participants were provided handson on documentation and guided on the best practices to be followed while documenting.

Day 2: Session 1: CONVERTING IDEAS TO BLOCK DIAGRAMS : Dr Mohith P Thahiliani, Asst Professor from the Department of CSE at NITK Surathkal was the resource person. This session aimed to help participants focus on their ideas and convert them into block diagrams. Mr Mohith shared two project ideas and encouraged participants to think about the pros and cons of these ideas. The session emphasized the importance of planning projects, analyzing them thoroughly, and understanding how projects fails due to a lack of planning. Participants were introduced to the concept of architecture (block diagrams) for their ideas, with a focus on using engineering terminology and conducting feasibility analyses that consider the actors involved, project benefits, and services offered.

Session 2: INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS (IPR): Dr. Arjun Rao, Asst Professor from the Department of ECE at SJEC, conducted this session on IPR. He provided an overview of different aspects of intellectual property, including copyrights, designs, trademarks, geographical indicators, and patents. The importance of patents was emphasized, and the procedures for applying for patents were explained.

Session 3: PLAGIARISM AND ETHICAL ISSUES: The session was conducted by Ms Jennifer Saldana, Asst Professor from the Department of ECE at SJEC, this session covered plagiarism and research ethics. Participants gained insights into the different types of plagiarism. the seven successful techniques for paraphrasing and quoting were discussed. Participants also leaed about tools and methods for checking plagiarism. The session further explored research ethics, including the procedure for obtaining ethical clearance and