Talk on “VLSI Fundamentals: Building blocks of Modern Electronics”

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with IE(I) SJEC student chapter organised a talk on “VLSI Fundamentals: Building blocks of Modern Electronics” by Dr Arjun Sunil Rao, Alumnus-2014 & Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT), (MAHE) on 17 May 2024. Session was organized in Fr Fred Memorial Hall for I Year ECE students from 3:00PM to 4:00PM. Dr Jennifer C Saldanha, Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE introduced the resource person and welcomed the gathering. 

The objective of the workshop is to introduce students to the design principles of digital VLSI circuits. In the session Dr Arjun Sunil Rao spoke about the Moore’s law and how it has come true during the recent years. He also gave insight on semiconductors and its applications. During the session Dr Arjun explained in detail about the MOSFETs-Types, working principle and its wide range of applications. He also mentioned about the semiconductor industries and opportunities for the students in the industries. 

The session concluded with Dr Dayakshini felicitating the Dr Arjun Rao and Ms Chaitra U R, Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE proposing the vote of thanks