Three-day FDP on “Advancing Research with MATLAB & Simulink”

The Department of ECE in association with MathWorks & CoreEL Technologies had organized a  three-day FDP on “Advancing Research with MATLAB & Simulink” for the SJEC staff from 10-12 June, 2024. ”  in the Digital Signal Processing Lab of the department. This FDP was open to all the faculty members of SJEC.  There were 32 participants in this FDP. Mr Rakshith B S, Associate Manager-Senior Application Engineer - UPT, Technology Solutions Division, CoreEL Technologies, Bengaluru was the resource person. 

The objective of the FDP was to enhance professional skills and promote continuous learning among the faculty members.

Day 1: 10-06-24 [Monday]
Inauguration Time: 10:00 am - 10:30 am
Ms Chaitra U R welcomed the participants and introduced the resource person of the FDP. Ms Deepthi S R, provided an overview of the FDP, detailing the objectives and topics to be covered. Dr Purushothama Chippar, Vice Principal and dean R&D addressed the participants, emphasizing MATLAB and Simulink's importance in academic and professional domains.
Session 1: 
Time: 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
In the first session, participants were introduced to MathWorks and the MATLAB environment by explaining basic concepts of signal processing and its applications. Techniques for generating and acquiring signal data were demonstrated.
Session 2: 
Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
In this session Participants learned how to design and analyze filters using MATLAB, methods for preprocessing ECG signals were explained, highlighting the application of MATLAB in cleaning and preparing ECG data.

Day 2: 11-06-24 [Tuesday]
Session 3:
Time: 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Introduction to image processing concepts and applications were discussed followed by techniques for thresholding images were demonstrated and methods for segmenting images were covered with practical examples.  Participants were introduced to MATLAB apps that automate image processing tasks.
The basics of communication system design were discussed. Steps to model communication systems using MATLAB were demonstrated. An introduction was given to Simulink for building and simulating communication system models.
Session 2: 
Time: 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Detailed modeling and analysis of LTE components were covered in this session. The basics of antenna design and its importance were discussed. Techniques for modeling and analyzing single-element antennas using MATLAB and practical implementation of antenna arrays, Steps to design custom antenna elements were demonstrated.

Day 3: 12-06-24 [Wednesday]
Session 3:
Time: 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
In this session, participants were asked to form a group of two members and work on practical projects on biomedical signal processing/ implementing image processing workflows communication system modeling/designing and optimizing antennas using MATLAB and Simulink.
 The FDP  provided comprehensive insights and hands-on experience in MATLAB and Simulink, including signal processing, image processing, communication system design, and antenna design. Participants gained valuable skills in modeling, analyzing, and implementing complex systems using MATLAB's extensive toolsets. The sessions were interactive, with ample opportunities for Q&A, ensuring that all participants could engage and clarify their doubts effectively.
Ms Chiatra U R and Ms Deepthi S R, Assistant Professors, coordinated this FDP.