Three days workshop on Programming on RISC V Processor


The Department of Electronics and Communications Department in association with IEEE SJEC student branch has organized a Three days workshop on Programming on RISC V Processor for the Students of SJEC from 20-22 June 2023 in Fr Fred Memorial Hall. This workshop was open to all the students of SJEC.  There were 19 participants in this workshop. Mr VijayGanesh PC and Ms Rupal M D DSouza were the resource persons. The objective of the workshop was to give the students insight on the current trends in the processor and have hands -on experience in programming using RISC V assembly language. The participants were new to the assembly language programming the workshop started with simple programs like moving the data, processing, branching, subroutine and upto designing of library. The workshop started with an inaugural function. Ms Rupal DSouza welcomed the gathering. Dr Dayakshini, HOD ECE explained the importance of processor design and encouraged students to make best use of the workshop. Mr VijayGanesh PC briefed about the workshop.

Day 01 : Introduction to RISC-V instruction set architecture- Need of assembly language compared to High level language - Install the required simulation software.  - First assembly program of data movement to and from memory  - completed arithmetic, logical and shift operation along with simple branch example. In the afteoon a simple game based activity was conducted to write a program for finding the slope and finding line values between two points.

Day 02 : Introduced to the loop, For, do-while and while equivalent in assembly code - compare statements in RISC V ISA.  The afteoon session  was focused on understanding the loop, comparing statements with a gamified activity of solving a FIR filter without using the Multiplier instruction. This enhanced the communication skill within the team.

Day 0 3: Advanced concepts - use of  subroutines, global variables and access to it. A group activity was carried out with three members - each member needed to create a separate file for a subroutine and merge with others to complete the task. A similar event was conducted to work the divide and conquer algorithm as the group and top two teams were selected for final competition. In the final round participants were able to solve matrix multiplication and winners were announced based on their performance.