Industrial Visit 2022


The Department of Business Administration of St Joseph Engineering College organized an Industry Visit to the students of II-Semester MBA (Autonomous Batch 2021-23) on the 7 th and 8 th of October 2022. The visit was scheduled with the intention to provide exposure to the working of organizations. The main objective of the visit was to expose the students to an industrial arena and help them gain insight into the practices and policies of the organization.

The students visited Toyeez a toy manufacturing unit and Achal Industries, a Cashew exporting company in Baikampady. The industry visit was an attempt to build the industry institute interface to provide the students with practical knowledge of the corporate world.

Achal Industries : Achal Industries, is one of the leading cashew suppliers in the region established in the year 1981 in Mangalore. Achal industry is known to export 95% of its products to markets abroad. The students were shown the entire process involving procurement to packaging. The entire jouey of raw cashews to the finished products was explained by Mr. Rohith and team associates of Achal Industries. Students were explained about the potential abroad for organic cashews and the subsidiary products. Students had a great interaction with the representatives regarding the various opportunities and threats in the area of cashew products and how the industry is coping with an ever-changing environment.

Toyeez: The second industry was Toyeez established in the year 1992 with the intention to capture the toy market in the country. The firm is currently manufacturing over 50 varieties of toys in unique colours.  The students were given a demonstration of the production procedures of the toys. The process was explained to the students by Mr. Henry Britto the owner of Toyeez. Students had an active interaction with Mr. Britto, who explained the whole supply chain process of the products produced in their facility.

Mr. Roopesh Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Industry Visit and Mr. Ananth Alias Rohith Bhat P Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, SJEC accompanied the students. The overall experience of the industry visit provided a macro view of the working of the organization and its products.