MBA: Facility Visit to Yenepoya Medical College


The Department of Business Administration at St. Joseph Engineering College organized a field visit on September 20, 2023, to gain practical insights and lea more about the activities of a medical college, particularly their measures related to sustainable environmental practices. During the visit, we were taken to their simulation center, sewage plant, kitchen, laundry, and vermiculture facility.

The coordinators for the field visit were Dr. Anjali Ganesh, Ms. Acharya Chitralekha, and Ms. Savitha.

The field visit was truly informative for the students, and we extend our gratitude to the entire department for taking the initiative to conduct such a wonderful event. It provided us with valuable insights into how a medical college operates, what happens behind the scenes in the process of curing and treating patients, and the various workers who support the frontline staff, serving as the backbone of such a remarkable institution. We would like to express our appreciation to the Master of Business Administration Department for facilitating this exceptional experience.