Outbound Training at Nature Bound Sahyadri, Ankola-2023


The Department of Business Administration has organized an Outbound Training for III Sem MBA and MBA-IEV Students at Ankola from 10th April to 13 th April 2023. Faculty coordinator Ms Acharya Chitralekha J along with three faculty Dr Shakila B, Mr Ananth and Mr Nandan accompanied the students for Outbound Training at Ankola.

The jouey began from college on 10-04-2023 at 4.30a.m., we reached Mangalore Central Railway station at 5.15 and the train arrived around 5.30a.m. In total, 84 students and four faculty were present for Outbound Training. The train reached Ankola station at 12. 30p.m and we got on KSRTC bus to reach Sahyadri outbound camp, the bus jouey was around 45 minutes. As soon as we reached there, they divided boys and girls into different lines and they collected basic details and made us to exchange our luggage. Each person made to carry someone else bag and luggage. The tent was allotted to boys and two rooms were allotted to girls. Immediately after keeping the luggage we had to deposit the electronic gadgets, medicines and food items with the trainers. We had our lunch and we assembled in the ground for the next activities. After the rope activities everyone were divided into 6 teams consisting of 14 members each. The team members had different roles such as CEO, COO, finance managers, time managers, HR and equipment, food managers, accommodation managers, health and safety managers. The next activity was ball game which focussed on smart work and concentration. The main trainer gave us some valuable lessons and ended the day at around 2.30a.m.

Day 2 begin at 6.15a.m with jogging of nearly 2km and exercise for nearly 45 minutes, next some funny activities were performed to boost the confidence. 10minutes of meditation is also done for health. At around 9'o clock breakfast was provided and at the same time virtual bank also opens. On the second day 6 activities of 30+10 minutes each were conducted. The activities were shuffled differently for each group, activities were Multiline, mind game, whale watch, giant ladder, name shrugs, navigation. Each game had its own outcome and lesson to lea and understand. Multiline had a lesson of having belief in one self and also maintaining the group trust. Mind game lesson was unknown. Whale watch lesson was to lea to balance all the aspects in life. Giant ladder was about individual performance. Name shrugs is knowing about basic stuffs and also having common sense to analyse the situation. Navigation is knowing the direction with proper guidance. In the evening session who were tired and sleepy left to go to their tent and rooms and rest people were motivated by goal setting with SMART concept. They promised to take for night trekking too. Everyone went to sleep at 12.30a.m.

Day 3 began at 6.15 a.m. where we had to assemble near the ground followed up by jogging and some exercises. Around 8.30 a.m. we were provided with a delicious breakfast, at the same time banks were opened for borrowing of loans. After the breakfast all the teams who had failed to pay the interest were punished as the CEO, COO and the finance heads were excluded from performing the task. All the teams were taken to the ground; in the beginning the trainers performed the activity. The activity was called obstacle round. A total of 10 tasks had to be performed, though it was not mandatory to attempt the entire task as each of them had certain points. Each team was given 10 minutes to complete the task. As the teams could not successfully complete the task a leaing session was conducted, later on all the teams had to redo the task with a time limit of 3 minutes. After a long lunch break, another activity was conducted in the evening. We were given a ring and a log, which we had to balance in our index finger. All the teams were given time to adopt strategy to perform the activity. Due to the failure of all the teams, there was a session where the trainer taught us important values that helped us to complete the activity. Lastly we had our dinner followed up by an ending session.

Day 4 begins at 6.15 a.m. with jogging and the regular exercises. There was also a short meditation session that helped us to stay focused. Around 8. 30a.m, we had breakfast followed up by the moing session. All the teams had to prepare charts and present it based on their experiences and leaing's. After a break each one spoke about their experience and also a feedback form was given to fill. After lunch a group photo session was held. The buses were arranged to drop us back to the railway station. The train arrived at 3. 20p.m and reached Mangalore central station around 9.00 p.m. This outbound training gave an opportunity to the students to work with the peers in the form of training activities, analytically solving problems, leadership and team building activities. Overall it was a very enriching experience for all the students.