Technical Talk on Introduction to Machine Learning


Department of MCA in association with IEEE SJEC Student Branch, organized a Technical Talk on the topic "Introduction to Machine Leaing on Saturday, 22nd July 2023 at 2.00 pm to 4:00pm in Webinar Hall 6th floor CSE Department, Academic Block - II.

Resource Person: Dr S Kanchana, Assistant Professor, SRM University Chennai

Event Outcomes:

The Audience were able to realize on the Machine Leaing concepts, its importance and the

usage. The session started with the brief insights on Machine Leaing with the basic terminologies and the applications of Machine leaing.

Then the speaker discussed on different models of Machine Leaing techniques like logistic regression, KNN, Decision tree etc. She elaborated how the ML model is being built using the said techniques. She concluded the talk by explaining the dataset and the tools used to collect the dataset. The technical talk emphasized on the Machine Leaing algorithms to recognize pattes using training sets. The students are actively participated in the session including question and answer session and discussed the machine leaing applications.