MAT: FDP on Linear Algebra and its Applications & Statistics and Queuing Theory

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On January 07, 2017 the Department of Mathematics at SJEC conducted a FDP on Linear Algebra and its Applications and Statistics and Queuing Theory, in Bethania Hall for the benefit of Faculty of Mathematics and other Departments of the College. The first session was by Dr M.R. Arulalan, Professor in the Department of ECE at NITK - Suratkal on Linear Algebra and its Applications .  The Second session was by Dr Sumathi, Associate Professor in the Mathematics Department at MIT - Manipal on Statistics and Queuing theory . 23 Faculty members from various Departments participated in the FDP.

The FDP started at 9:30 am with an introduction about the programme and a formal introduction of the first speaker Dr M.R. Arulalan by Ms Salma Shabnam, Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics.  Dr M.R. Arulalan in his talk explained the following aspects to the audience.

· LTI-Linear Time Invariant systems and converting them into matrices and using properties of matrices to solve them.

· Relation between Laplace, Fourier and Z-transforms and their uses in signal and systems.

At the end of his talk, Dr Arulalan answered all the questions put forth by the participants.

After the tea break, Dr Sumathi in her talk discussed the following topics.

· Definition and basics of  Statistics  and Garch Model which is widely used by researchers to analyze the data

· Queuing theory, its different forms and their applications in research.

Dr Ramananda H.S, Head of the Mathematics Department at SJEC felicitated the speakers. Both sessions were well appreciated by all the participants.

The FDP was attended by 9 Faculty members from Mathematics, 5 from ECE, 3 from EEE, 2 from MBA, 01 from MCA, 01 from ME.