Mathematics: Tiara 2019: Best of Waste


The event 'Best out of waste’ was organised by the Department of Mathematics  at 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm , in the Pavement between  Academic Block II & III. This Competition was based on the theme of converting the waste into something useful. 9 teams participated in this event. Number of participants for each team was 3. Dr Yajnheswaran , Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering and Dr Binu K. G, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering  were the judges for the event.  The students came out with many creative articles and presented the items and their usefulness. The  Event was a great success under the guidance of event coordinator  Dr Ramananda HS, Ms Aleyamma George, Ms Salma Shabnam along with the support of and the Department of Mathematics and Student Event Coordinator  Ms Melisha Benny.

Event Winners:

First Place:      Sahana UT,   Pragathi   Prathibha (I year B section)


Second Place:  Kavyashree,  Deepali ,  Disha Anchan ( I year A section)