Mech: International Conference eTIME-2019


The Department of Mechanical Engineering at St Joseph Engineering College (SJEC), Mangaluru, organized its Second Inteational Conference under the banner of Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering eTIME-2019, on 9 th and 10 th August 2019. The conference was organized in association with AIP Conference Proceedings as Publishing Partner.

The inteational conference was inaugurated by the Chief Guest Ir. Dr Haji Kamarul Arifin Bin Ahmad, Head, Aerospace Malaysia Research Centre, Universiti Putra Malaysia in the august presence of Rev. Fr Wilfred Prakash D’Souza, Director of SJEC, Rev Fr Rohith D’Costa & Rev. Fr Alwyn Richard D’Souza, Assistant Directors of SJEC and Dr Rio D’Souza, Principal of SJEC. Dr Sudheer M, Head of Mechanical Engineering & Organizing Chair of eTIME-2019 and Dr Purushothama Chippar, Organizing Secretary of eTIME-2019 were also present.

Dr Sudheer M welcomed the gathering and presented a brief report about the achievements of the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Delivering the inaugural address, Ir. Dr Haji Kamarul Arifin Bin Ahmad briefed about the need for more collaborative research. He requested the delegates to take active part in the proceedings and go back enriched.

Dr Rio D’Souza spoke about the need for collaborative research on any discipline of engineering. He called upon all the participants to have a productive time at discussing the emerging trends in Mechanical Engineering.

In his presidential address, Rev. Fr Wilfred Prakash D’Souza put forward the challenges posed by emerging technologies and the need to identify technological interventions to address these issues. He wished all the participants a happy time at SJEC.

Dr Purushothama Chippar offered the vote of thanks.

Apart from exciting pre-conference workshops, the conference is scheduled to witness 40 papers presented across all tracks.