Inauguration of NCSEA 2014


A Two-Day National Conference on “Current Trends in Scientific Research in Engineering Applications” organised by the Basic Science Departments was inaugurated at 9:30 am on 17 th July 2014 in St. Joseph Engineering College.  Dr. Syed Akheel Ahmed, Dean, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Mysore, was the chief guest. In his key note address, he emphasized the buing need for innovation in India and the strategies to be followed in this context, so that, India truly becomes a super power.   Rev. Fr Ajith Menezes, Director In Charge of SJEC presided over the function. Dr Joseph Gonsalvis, Principal-SJEC, Rev. Fr Rohith D’Costa, Assistant Director - SJEC, and Dr Rio D’Souza, Vice Principal - SJEC were the guests of honour. Going by the number of participants who attended the inaugural function, this conference will definitely prove to be a milestone in scientific research in the region.