Parent Teacher Meet 2019


The Parent-Teacher Meet for I semester  B.E. students was held on Saturday, 12 th October 2019 at 9:30 a.m in the Kalam Auditorium, Academic Block II, to discuss the performance  of students with their parents.

Rev Fr Wilfred Prakash D’Souza, Director, SJEC, Dr Rio D’Souza, Principal SJEC and Rev Fr Alwyn Richard D’Souza, Assistant director, SJEC, Dr K Jyothi, HOD-Chemistry and convener of the program, Dr Ramananda H S, First year coordinator and Dr Vincent Crasta, HOD-Physics were present for the meeting.  Approximately there were 375 parents/guardians & around 50 faculty members who teach I semester BE were present.

Around 9.15 a.m the refreshments for the parents were served. And the meeting commenced with invocation at 10.00 a.m. Ms Smitha D’Souza, Assistant professor, Department of Chemistry compeered the programme and welcomed the dignitaries, parents and students for the Parent-Teacher Meet 2019.

Dr K Jyothi, HOD-Chemistry and Coordinator of Parent - Teacher Meet 2019 presented a detailed report on the academic performance of students in the first inteals of I st semester and their attendance status from 19/08/2019 to 21/09/2019. During the presentation, she stressed on the poor performance of the students in the first Inteals and requested them to put more efforts in the next inteal tests.

Dr Rio D’Souza, the principal, spoke about the responsibilities of the parents towards their ward and requested parents eaestly to keep a track of the performance of their wards.  The Director Rev. Fr Wilfred Prakash D’Souza addressed the gathering, he asked the parents to keep a track of their ward, and to see that they study for at least 3 hours at home every day.

The formal function was ended by delivering the vote of thanks by Ms Smitha D’Souza, at 11.00a.m, the students joined their parents, and there was the interaction between parents and teachers, which was held section wise in the Kalam auditorium. The parents had useful interaction with the faculty regarding their wards which went on till 1.00 p.m. During this time, the progress report of the first inteal test was given to the parents.  The interaction went on with the Parents by offering their thoughts on the meeting through the feedback forms.