EEE: Industrial Visit to Varahi Hydro Electric Power Plant

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  • EEE: Industrial Visit to Varahi Hydro Electric Power Plant


The Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering organized an industrial visit to Varahi Hydro-Electric Project, Varahi on 11 March 2019 for the final year students. The visit was aimed at enhancing the knowledge & visualization of hydroelectric power plant.

Mr Zaheer Ahmed, Asst. Engineer, KPCL, Varahi, welcomed the students and faculty. Mr Zaheer addressed the students. The blue print of the entire power plant along with a video was explained to the students. He stated that Varahi hydro power plant has an installed capacity of 230MW each at stage I and stage II, contributing a total of 1100MU annually. This consists of 4 x 115 MW Generating Units at Varahi underground Powerhouse and two 4.5 MW units in the powerhouse at the Mani Dam site. We also visited the Pickup dam.  Additionally the practical aspects of SCADA control room were explained. The working of the entire power plant, which includes turbine, lubricants used, transformers, nozzle, buccholz relay etc., was explained in detail.

The visit helped the E&E students to gain an in-depth practical knowledge on Generation, Transmission, and Switchgear & Protection Devices. A total of 40 final year students participated in the industrial visit.